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Vivid dreams

Fri, 04/07/2006 - 05:33
Since changing to Keppra combined with epilim and Clobazam I have been having the most tripped out vivid dreams. You know you're in a dream, you tell yourself you're in a dream but you can't get out of the dream. I don't mean nightmares cos to be honest it's quite good fun. In fact it's nearly as much fun as being spaced out on Tegritol. Is it the change in meds that's triggered something off in my already fried brain and if so is it something that anyone else has experienced.


I've been having the same

Submitted by WeirdThoughts on Thu, 2018-08-09 - 17:20
I've been having the same thing for a while now. Often when I wake up I'll be awake but not be able to move or get out of this dream, and they're generally not scary at all, and very vivid. Often when I finally get out of the dream I'll think about it all day, as it's often situated around real people, just in very strange circumstances; but saying that, I had one where I was on a flying pirate ship in space, and somehow linked to the Matrix (i know... strange!). I've recently been put on a higher dose of lamotrigine combined with clobazam, so I would say that those have something to do with it, but I honestly don't know. Often it's nice to have vivid dreams, but it can often get annoying as you are never quite asleep when you have them.

I have been having

Submitted by [email protected] on Tue, 2015-04-28 - 06:55
I have been having increasingly vivid dreams since starting zonegran with keppra. I have always had vivid dreams but these are something different!! I'm new to epilepsy and theyre kind of freaking me out because I'm starting to struggle to define if it happened in my dream or real life. Is there anything you can do? or is this just an effect of these drugs, because they're really scary stuff!

Re: Vivid dreams

Submitted by rlhartleysmi on Fri, 2006-04-07 - 07:30
I have had nocturnal seizures for about four years now. For the last couple of years, I've been taking Tegretol (just switched to Trileptal) and I have had the longest, most detailed, colorful freaky dreams. I've changed meds and I'm still having them. I agree, they are kinda' cool. It's wild what the mind can come up with. I was beginning to think that maybe the dreams were just an aspect of the epilepsy or maybe the dreams were so vivid that they actually trigged seizure activity in the brain. I told my husband the other day, "I think my dreams are trying to kill me." Jokingly, of course. I've read some about it and vivid dreams with epilepsy is not uncommon. It's all in the brain. I like to think that it's not the meds -- those of us who have such vivid dreams just have highly "overactive" brains. :) ~ Rach

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