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????When should a blood level be done?

Thu, 02/03/2005 - 15:53

Hi, my son has always had his blood done when ever it was needed but this last time the doctors wanted us to get a blood level done early in the morning before his meds. Is there a reason for this????????   

 From a mom whom is uneducated in this field and is learning new stuff every day.                     



RE: ????When should a blood level be done?

Submitted by Belinda on Wed, 2005-02-02 - 13:36
MY blood levels always get checked when I'm having alot of seizures.My neuro has had not take my dose of meds before that level before.To get an acurate level of his medicine in his blood.Would be why they'd not have him take his meds.Belinda

RE: RE: ????When should a blood level be done?

Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2005-08-18 - 07:08

Yes, getting blood work done before your morning pills is the most accurate way.  When you can possibly manage to do so, by all means do it that way.  When you can't there are some other options that won't be as helpful but will surfice.  Your doctor can let you know those times and be sure to let him know when the time was and when you took your last medication.

Insist on having your liver tested every so often too.  Adam  

Yes, getting blood work done before your morning pills is the most accurate way.  When you can possibly manage to do so, by all means do it that way.  When you can't there are some other options that won't be as helpful but will surfice.  Your doctor can let you know those times and be sure to let him know when the time was and when you took your last medication.

Insist on having your liver tested every so often too.  Adam  

RE: ????When should a blood level be done?

Submitted by ellgee on Wed, 2005-02-02 - 15:30
It's called a "trough" level, when the medication is at it's lowest in the system.  Many folks may have break through seizures when AEDs hit their trough levels, meds in the body do not stay constant, they fluctuate - so getting trough levels is a good idea - if the AEDs are working they have a clear picture as the ideal trough level, if AEDS are not working, then the physician how much he can adjust, either by time meds are taken or adjust the dosages.
I hope this helps.
It's called a "trough" level, when the medication is at it's lowest in the system.  Many folks may have break through seizures when AEDs hit their trough levels, meds in the body do not stay constant, they fluctuate - so getting trough levels is a good idea - if the AEDs are working they have a clear picture as the ideal trough level, if AEDS are not working, then the physician how much he can adjust, either by time meds are taken or adjust the dosages.
I hope this helps.

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