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when to take Lamictal

Sun, 01/29/2006 - 19:03
Hi I really hope you can help I am taking Lamital and topmax. I take topmax both morning and evening but I take my Lamictal just in the morning. I have just read that as topamax is an enzyme enducing AED I should take my Lamictal twice aday. Could somone tell me weather this is the case. Or weather I would be better of taking my Lamictal twice aday anyway thanks so much for your help honeybear


Re: when to take Lamictal

Submitted by scorpio on Mon, 2006-01-30 - 04:14
Topamax/Topiramate should have no effect on the serum levels of the Lamictal/Lamotrigine you take (it does on some others, especially Phenytoin/Dilantin). How many times a day you should take it? Lamot has a half-life of 30-35 hours so a once-a-day dose is normally OK as far as the epi is concerned. However you may wish to spread it out further if, like me, it is causing you sleep problems or your daily intake is high - I take 100mg on waking and another 100mg when retiring. I had the opposite problem a few years ago when I was taking Lamotrigine alongside Phenytoin. It turned out that the latter was considerably reducing the efficacy of the former (and not having much positive effect either, as it happened). Removing the 400mg/d of Phenytoin I was taking enabled me to reduce the Lamotrigine from 400mg/d to 200mg/d, which is where I am now - and feeling a lot better for it in that my epi is now under control (it was't) and the side-effects are tolerable. There are a number of websites on the subject of medicines/drugs and their effects. Two good ones are and . Best of luck in finding an AED, or combination of them, that works. Chris

Re: when to take Lamictal

Submitted by Javajunkie28 on Tue, 2006-01-31 - 02:50
Hi Honeybear, Yes I am another topamax and Lamictal taker. Thus, I understand your concerns on this topic. The prior statement, from the last post (sorry I forgot the name: my weakness/bad) :( Was pretty much on what I have learned both on the net, books and my epileptologist (specialist). The only difference is that we *you and I*, patient depending, only have to take the amount for their own need. And the Epilepsy Foundation's idea or one of their theme's is one medication/fewest seizures with the freest life. That is the most encouraging attitude I look for. I will admit I don't always keep that in mind *like when I have 10 seizures in a 3 hour span* but then I call them or the 'support team' I remember why I am taking Lamictal. And I take it morning and night, that is due to my frequency of seizures and lack of control of them regardless of the 2 brain surgeries and VNS. 200mg in morning/400mg at night. I hope that helps. Truly, Javajunkie

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