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When to take meds

Sat, 03/04/2006 - 15:34
I was just wondering if there was any of you who have decided to take your meds three times a day. I take Lamictal and topamax. My topamax is being increased at the moment and I am wondering weather it may be worth trying taking it three times aday to see if it helps with my seizure control. Does anyone think that this is worth a try? or is it just a pointless idea? any reply would be great thanks from Honeybear


Re: When to take meds

Submitted by coolcanadian on Sun, 2006-03-05 - 00:05
Hi Honeybear, dosing is a trade off between convenience, compliance, and blood level concentration. Seizures are best controlled when you keep your meds concentration as level as possible. That makes evenly spaced doses a good idea. But is it hard or easy for you to divide up your meds times? If you can remember to take your meds consistently and can get to them without a hassle, spreading out your dosing would help your control your sz. But it isn't really essential. I don't know about Topomax, but it takes about 22-26 hours for your body to breakdown Lamictal. My neuro said it would be OK to take all 300mg of my L if I had a hard time remembering when to take it. But I'm good about keeping track of it, so I spread it out. One first thing in the morning, again with lunch and finally late afternoon. Taking it too late makes it hard for me to sleep. Sorry for the long winded reply, but I hope it helps. Keep smilin'- cc

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