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Zarontin vs Zonegran Question

Wed, 05/04/2005 - 11:12
Our 16 year old son started having Absencse Seizures when he was about 6 years old. First Grand Mal at 9 years. 500 mgs zarontin controlled both the Absence and the Grand Mals whenever he took his meds. He went to a out of state soccer tournament in the winter and forgot to take the Zarontin and we had a couple of Grand Mals within 2 weeks. We went back and they upped the Zarontin to 1000 mgs/day. 5 months went by and no seizure. We went to a new doctor (epilepsy specialist) who put him on 300 mg Zonegran and took him off Zarontin saying the Zarontin did nithing to prevent the Grand Mals. Well, after a 6 week weaning off period of the Zarontin and getting on the 300 mgs Zonegran, our son has had 2 Grand Mals each of the last Saturday nites. Have we been guinea pigs for this "Specialist?" I mean, I can read and it seems that Zarontin should not control Grand Mals according to everything I read.... The facts are that it did in my son. Oh, he has always had a normal eeg, sleep deprived.What am I to do?


RE: Zarontin vs Zonegran Question

Submitted by drbk on Mon, 2005-05-02 - 19:46

My son is on Zarontin 250mg/3xday for atonic seizures; Carbartol for grandmals; and diastat for myoclonic seizures.  The Zarontin contols his atonic seizures almost 100%.  His neurologist told us recently that Zarontin is known for NOT helping my son's disorder.  So he finds it unusual that it helps him so well.  We also stressed to our current doctor and our last doctor that the Zarontin was not to be changed.  Sometimes you just have to tell them that you will or will not agree with them.  We also wait until we are ready to increase our son's meds.  If you and your son feel this doctor has mad a mistake tell him.  He is probably trying to find one med that will help both seizures.  We learned along time ago if you have more than one seizure type you need more than one med. 

Good Luck, Diana

My son is on Zarontin 250mg/3xday for atonic seizures; Carbartol for grandmals; and diastat for myoclonic seizures.  The Zarontin contols his atonic seizures almost 100%.  His neurologist told us recently that Zarontin is known for NOT helping my son's disorder.  So he finds it unusual that it helps him so well.  We also stressed to our current doctor and our last doctor that the Zarontin was not to be changed.  Sometimes you just have to tell them that you will or will not agree with them.  We also wait until we are ready to increase our son's meds.  If you and your son feel this doctor has mad a mistake tell him.  He is probably trying to find one med that will help both seizures.  We learned along time ago if you have more than one seizure type you need more than one med. 

Good Luck, Diana

RE: Zarontin vs Zonegran Question

Submitted by questions on Wed, 2005-05-04 - 09:11

My daughter age 15 has absence seizures.  We are adding zonegran to topamax.  The topamax seemed to leave her very foggy and she had to work a little too hard at school.  History was a real struggle - not much memory.  The zonegran has seemed to be the right direction.  We still have to reduce the topamax but are waiting for summer break to risk any changes.  The zonegran not only stopped the blinking it seemed to clear her mind.  Good luck.

My daughter age 15 has absence seizures.  We are adding zonegran to topamax.  The topamax seemed to leave her very foggy and she had to work a little too hard at school.  History was a real struggle - not much memory.  The zonegran has seemed to be the right direction.  We still have to reduce the topamax but are waiting for summer break to risk any changes.  The zonegran not only stopped the blinking it seemed to clear her mind.  Good luck.

RE: RE: Zarontin vs Zonegran Question

Submitted by Yakota on Sat, 2005-05-28 - 11:17
Hi. I have tle. Out of all the AEDs that I ever took Zonagran seemed to have less side effects. It didn't totally stop the seizure. I hope the zonagran works. Blessings. Linda

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