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Thu, 08/17/2006 - 13:58
has anyone experiance of zonisamide my daughter has just been put on it she already takes cloanaspan and tegretol would like to hear from anyone


Re: zonisamide

Submitted by kayakmom on Mon, 2006-08-21 - 04:33
My son was on it twice. It seemed to be an ok med for him as long as he did not use the generic form. On generic he had a lot of trouble with weight loss and seizure control. My daughter also took it. For her it caused high anxiety, headaches grew worse (she took it in part for generalized seizures but also for migraines and headaches) and her concentration went down the tubes. She nearly flunked 10th grade. This shows you how individual these meds are. Even siblings had such different responses! I was surprised!! It was not evident right away that ANna was doing so poorly. Her neuro was NOT willing to change her off it, when things started to sour after 9 months of so> We changed neuros at the 12 month point. RE did the EEG which had normalized. Did a slow wean, no seizures and he treated the remaining headaches differently. My son ended up weaning off the second time because of a bad response to the generic. It is a great med for many and I still recommend trying it. You never know until you do..... PLENTY Of water with this one!! One warning with it is that it can cause over heating so watch her in hot weather to make sure she sweats ok......the other is the water flushes out her kidneys so no kidney stones// i sure hope it is a good med for her! G

Re: Re: zonisamide

Submitted by Sagar on Sun, 2006-12-03 - 01:26
Hi G, I am on Zonagran right now only 100mg at night. My doctor and I are thinking about increasting the Zonagran and phasing out another medicine that I am on. However, I have some concerns.. I thought taking Zonagran could give you kidney stones in the future. But when I read your response "One warning with it is that it can cause over heating so watch her in hot weather to make sure she sweats ok......the other is the water flushes out her kidneys so no kidney stones" I am confused. Could Zonagran give a person kidney stones in the future? Sagar

Re: zonisamide

Submitted by alison4R on Mon, 2006-10-16 - 13:55
Hi. Our son has been on Zonagran for years. It makes him very thirsty, a little tired and his stomach gets a little upset at times. But overall it's not as bad on him as Lamictal was. The seizure meds are trial and error, which is very hard on the patients. I hope all goes well for your chld.

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