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Topic: Medication Issues

Anyone Been Through This

12/2006 | 12 Comments

I am a 22 year old female and I was recently diagnosed with epilepsy in January of this year.I was doing very well on just topomax until November when...
Medication allergies

12/2006 | 0 Comments

My current neuro wanted me to start dilantin and I ended up having a reaction to it. I took the dose of dilantin two weeks ago on Friday night (12/15)...
Epilepsy & Depressent Medication

12/2006 | 11 Comments

I believe I read somewhere that Anti D medication should not be used in people with E. My son's Psychaitrist wants to start him on Ant D medication...
Anyone on 100MG of Phenytoin per day?

12/2006 | 0 Comments

I was wondering if anyone is taking one pill (100MG) of Phenytoin per day? I am a 45 year old female who is new to having seizures. Completely out of...
Trileptal/Difficulty Walking in children

12/2006 | 1 Comments

My 3 1/2 year old daughter has been taking trileptal for about a month for her partial complex epilepsy along with Keppra. We increased her trileptal...
Keppra is not working

12/2006 | 3 Comments

My stepbrother takes keppra and has had two tonic clonic seizures in the last 2 weeks. He has never had them that close together...What can we tell...
Birth Deffect Seizures

12/2006 | 1 Comments

Hi i just wondering, that because i prolly got E from a birth deffect (lack of oxygen in the womb i think it was, i had some sickness) is there a...
Does All This Medicine Actually Help?

12/2006 | 6 Comments

My partner has recently been told she has epilepsy and been given Keppra. She takes the drug twice a day (9am and 9pm) - 500mg each time. The thing is...
Keppra and anti depressants?

12/2006 | 3 Comments

Hey guys how are ya? I've just been put on Keppra recently but I'm finding it's giving me really bad depression, was just wondering if anybody else...
kidney stones

12/2006 | 0 Comments

I've had some problems with kidney stones, the first a couple years ago from what I thought was caused by Topamax. Following that first stone, I was...
Big Keppra Dose

12/2006 | 4 Comments

I am due to start an increased Keppra doseage from 3000 mg daily to 4000mg daily and just wondered if anyone has or is taking a dose this large and if...

12/2006 | 9 Comments

I'm new here and would like some education from anyone who lives with gran mal/tonic-clonic seizures. I take 300 mg Dilantin for 23 years and am sick...
My frustration with Topamax

12/2006 | 0 Comments

Ted and I met almost 2 years ago through a mutual friend. In 2005, Ted only had 3 seizures. This year, he went almost 5 months without one and then...
Topamax Dosing questions

12/2006 | 0 Comments

I have E (complex partial with secondary) when I was a teen had Petite Mal took PhenoBarb several years and lucky enough was off of it for more than...
felbatol and sleep loss

12/2006 | 1 Comments

I have been on Felbatol for about a year now. A high dosage of 4400 Mgs. a day does anyone else find they have trouble sleeping while taking Felbatol.
lamictal - keppra-felbatol

12/2006 | 3 Comments

I am on a dosage of Lamictal 1000mg a day Keppra 4000mg a day felbatol 4400mg a day Sometimes i get dizzy does anybody else have this problem taking...

12/2006 | 4 Comments

I am wondering what everyone thinks about the use of depakote as a medication. I've been taking some dosage of depakote for about 5 years now and has...

12/2006 | 6 Comments

I know this question has been answered in many roundabout ways, but: Yes/No: Are the side effects of Topamax a manageable tradeoff for however...

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