Community Forum Archive

The Epilepsy Community Forums are closed, and the information is archived. The content in this section may not be current or apply to all situations. In addition, forum questions and responses include information and content that has been generated by epilepsy community members. This content is not moderated. The information on these pages should not be substituted for medical advice from a healthcare provider. Experiences with epilepsy can vary greatly on an individual basis. Please contact your doctor or medical team if you have any questions about your situation. For more information, learn about epilepsy or visit our resources section.

Topic: Medication Issues

Generic drugs In the U.S.

10/2006 | 0 Comments

I'm sure most people have seen all the media about Wal-Mart and Target starting this great new program to get generic prescription drugs for $4.00...
bright spot. funny spot.

10/2006 | 3 Comments

something is going on. i can't see right. i mean I can see, but it's not right. it's much too bright and everything is off, like it's all too far away...
Lamictal Rash help?

10/2006 | 3 Comments

I know all about "the Rash". I've been on Lamictal for about 3 months or so but the tops of my feet have little red dots on them and a small area on...
Weaning off Dilantin -

10/2006 | 5 Comments

Hiya.. I posted in the newbie section but thought i should try a short version here. I have gotten my dr.'s approval to wean off of Dilantin. I am...
St John's Wort and grapefruit juice

10/2006 | 6 Comments

I'm far between neuro visits, and have heard it's not a good thing to mix St John's Wort or grapefruit juice whith anti-sz meds. I'm taking Lamictal...
Depakote and Pre-Teen Girls

10/2006 | 1 Comments

Our 12 year old daughter has status epilepticus. Her longest seizure lasted approximately 3 1/2 hours. This was a result of trying to change her...
Sleeeepy on Lyrica/Keppra/Dilantin

10/2006 | 4 Comments

I am sick and tired of being so tired! Does anyone have any ideas on how to deal with the horrible fatigue that we get with these drugs? I remember...
Life Span of Anti-Seizure Pills

10/2006 | 0 Comments

Having been dealing with my epilepsy for over 30 years, I can't help speak as a "lab technician." That is, I can see that the real success of pills...
Anyone ever taken Zonegran?

10/2006 | 5 Comments

I was just wondering if anyone is on now or has in the past taken Zonegran. I am on it now. I have been about a month and a half, I guess. I am...
Lovely side effects

10/2006 | 16 Comments

Don't you just love side effects? I think my personal favorite is the senior moments. You know, can't remember names, even names of your pets or...
getting off tegretol (carbamazepine)

10/2006 | 9 Comments

hi, i'm ben. this is my first post on this site. i had my first seizure when i was 19, one random morning before class. i didn't know i had had one...
med change seizures begin

10/2006 | 3 Comments

new to forum. I had a stroke and many seizures a year ago. I was started on 300mg dilantin and neurontin 600mg. neuro took me off dilantin after 10...
Tegretol & Keppra

10/2006 | 1 Comments

Hi, Is here anybody who have been on Tegretol and Keppra? I have been taking Tegretol last ten years and next few weeks I'm going on Keppra as well....
Light sensitivity

10/2006 | 2 Comments

Has anyone noticed an increased light sensitivity with their AED's? I have been on Dilantin and Lamictal and both seemed to make me more sensitive to...

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