Community Forum Archive

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Topic: Medication Issues

Depakote ER Question

09/2006 | 12 Comments

My doctor just put me on Depakote ER. Just curious about the hair loss. Is it thinning or losing all of your hair? Also, are there any other side...
Can Anyone Help me

09/2006 | 15 Comments

Keppra is making my life miserable. I have every side effect possible. Finally my neurologist is cutting me down, he told me there would be no side...
Lamictal- asthma

09/2006 | 1 Comments

Just wondering if anyone has experienced this or heard of it? I began taking Lamictal about 3 months ago and just recently I have been diagnosed with...
low blood oxygen triggers seizures

09/2006 | 3 Comments

Does anyone have any information about low blood oxygen (sats) causing seizures? My wife only has seizures in the early hours of the morning between...
Is anyone taking Topomax and Lamictal?

09/2006 | 4 Comments

Hi - I'm currenty taking Topomax without real good control for my complex partial sz's. I've also had some bad secondary generalizations resulting in...
Adding Lamictal while taking Dilantin

09/2006 | 11 Comments

I have been on Dilantin for 33+ years. My seizures have greatly increased in frequency. I am thankful, based on what many of you share on this site...
keppra and temperature

09/2006 | 0 Comments

Hello, My five year old son has been diagnosed with myoclonic epliepsy and is now partially controlled on 4.5mls of keppra bd. The problem is that he...

09/2006 | 0 Comments

My Dr. has prescribed versed to derail my seizures. It is a hard drug, a narcotic, but I use an inhalant to spray a miniscule amount as a fine mist in...
Keppra/Topomax mix?

09/2006 | 4 Comments

Hey guys, Quick question: Does anyone take keppra and topomax together? If so, what for and what dosages? How are you feeling? Thanks!!!
Need medication information

09/2006 | 9 Comments

Hello, I am new to this forum but hoping to find some information. My daughter has been diagnosed with absence seziures (epilepsy). She is 9 years old...
Topamax vs Lamictal

09/2006 | 4 Comments

Hello all I'm so happy to have found this board. I hope some of you out there can help me. I have atypical petit mal - have had it since I was 8 - and...
Meds are confusing!

09/2006 | 0 Comments

Heres my quick story....Started having seizures at 12. Went on Depakote ER 500mg BID. Diagnosed with JME. Was pretty under control, only about 5...
HELP? burning sore throat- lamictal

09/2006 | 1 Comments

HI everyone. I have a question. I took 1- 25 mg tablet of lamictal and had an allergy- breathing difficulty included but it was controlled thru taking...
ADHD meds and seizures

09/2006 | 14 Comments

Hi, Have you seen the new report on ADHD drug warning and increase in seizures? I happened to do a search because my daughter had been on Strattera...
I want off of this Depakote...

09/2006 | 3 Comments

Hi everyone, So I'm in the midst of changing my medication from Depakote 750mg to Keppra (this is for my JME). My dr is looking to get me up to 2000mg...
Doctors Open Enough?

09/2006 | 4 Comments

Yes, I've had epilepsy most of my adult life. And yes, I've gone from one prescription to another. Had surgery. Been a participant in umpteen social...
Does ANYONE like being on Keppra?

09/2006 | 85 Comments

Okay, so I know no one really likes being on any medication, but I am just wondering, does anyone LIKE Keppra? I hate Keppra. I hate the way it makes...
Keppra and weight gain

09/2006 | 2 Comments

In the last 6 months I have put on another 15 pounds. That may not sound like much to you, but it's much to me. I'm now 150 pounds and my clothes don...

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