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Sleeping Grand Mal

Mon, 03/21/2011 - 13:02

Hello all! I am looking for a little direction, as I feel I cant expresses to much to my Doc with losing my DL. 


I have epilepsy, I have seizures only in my sleep, it started about 6 years ago, after the first one I didn’t have one for about 2 or 3 years in which I stopped taking my Dilantin.  Then the second seizure hit me, we blamed it on me not taking the Dilantin and stress.  Well in the last 3 years I am having them more frequently, like every 8-9 months.  And for the most part I take my Dilanatin and I’m not stressed out really. 


I think the last one was in Aug 2010, well I just woke up and had a grand mal Sunday morning.  I have only had them in my sleep, I have been to a few doctors and they just seem to up my dilantin.  I am guess this is caused from hitting my head to many times. Well my tongue is trashed and my calf muscles are in pain. 


Any ideas????

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