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Advice please.

Tue, 08/27/2019 - 22:21
Hi. My name is Candace. I'm a 36 year old single mom. About three years ago I started having these episodes. I call them that because no one was around, I couldn't remember anything and had no idea what happened. The first one was at work. My coworkers found me outside staring at the sky and unresponsive. A year later I was at work and was found in the floor unconscious with my head busted open. A month later I was found at work again unconscious in the floor. The only thing I could remember was feeling this weird panicky dejave right before the last one happened. After seeing a neurologist I was told he didnt know what happened and that was it. Another year passed and two weeks ago I had a seizure while asleep. I know it was a seizure because my daughter witnessed it. I work anywhere from 55 to 75 hours a week and get very little sleep. The ER doc said he believed sleep deprivation, stress and exhaustion were the cause. I've been reading everything I can find on seizures and am currently waiting to see the neurologist again. So, I guess I'm just here for advice or answers or anything. I know only my doctor can tell me for sure, but does this sound like epilepsy?


I'm assuming the neurologist

Submitted by birdman on Sun, 2019-09-01 - 20:35
I'm assuming the neurologist did not prescribe any medications.   If that's the case I'm surprised.  It seems like he or she would have prescribed a mild anti-seizure medication just to see if it relieved the episodes you are having.  Maybe those long hours are doing it to you by just leaving you exhausted.  But also one of the first things people with epilepsy learn is sleep loss and stress leave one more vulnerable to seizures.  If your daughter or someone else sees the event again have them video tape it.  Also make it a practice to record every event that happens.  This info will be helpful for you to see any patterns that may be happening.  Also it may impress your doctor to encourage him/her to give you some extra help.  If you get placed on meds record the name of the drug as well as the dosage.  And mostly try to find some ways to get some more sleep and relaxation.  Stress is hard on the body of everyone.MIke

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