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Fri, 07/06/2018 - 09:35
Hey everyone, I'm sure you are all sick of random new members signing up to this wonderful community just to ask if they "have epilepsy" or not. But I really want to speak my mind about my situation and just see if it happens to be something common or not. I apologise if I've written in the wrong section etc. Since my teen years (I'm 29 now), probably a few times a year, I would experience these odd "events". It usually happens while watching TV at night, or listening to the radio, but certain moments/words can trigger it too. I've come to the conclusion that it's related to sound and I'll start (sometimes I do it to myself on purpose, but god knows why I choose to) blinking and my blinking will have to be in sync with the sounds after that and some blinks will be big blinks that I almost have to shake off. In most situations I have to actually mute the sound to stop myself from blinking and even then I'll still do a few while laying on my side in silence trying to relax. I also take in deep breaths and exhale forcefully while I'm recovering from it. During these events I get an odd feeling through my head while it's happening, I can't describe it in any way better than that. I think it's probably also important to mention that I'm completely conscious and aware during it all, but talking isn't something that I can do because it only encourages the blinking. Does it sound in any way familiar to anything you've heard of? I had a few happen to me about a week ago and I've had a really bad headache the last few days, so I've decided to book an appointment with my Doctor this week to get their input. Thanks for reading. Any response will be appreciated.

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