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Frustrated and looking for answers

Wed, 10/04/2017 - 10:53
Hi, I’m new to all this... this post is probably going to be more stream of consciousness as I’m just trying to get through all of my thoughts before I see my doctor in a week. I’ve recently (in the past couple months) been diagnosed with a partial or focal aware seizure disorder (with the possibility of epilepsy). It’s kind of a fluke that I even learned of it at all. My neurologist says I’ve probably had it my whole life. Some of my other diagnoses are Anxiety, Depression, and ADD. She believes that the latter was possibly a misdiagnosis and that in reality I was untreated for a seizure disorder. What I initially described to my physician that led to seeing a neurologist were these moments where I’d have “brain farts”. Inthe middle of conversations I will suddenly go blank, not losing awareness or freezing up without the ability to talk, but all the information is gone. I apologize to my friends then they either jog my memory or we move onto a new topic. I’m still not sure or convinced that is a seizure even though that’s initially what made me raise questions. As I’ve been learning about all of this I’ve read about Deja vu and partial seizures. Deja vu has been something that always seemed stronger in me than my friends but happens less often than the “brain farts”. Deja vu happened more often When I was younger than as an adult. So I’m not sure if that’s connected either. Here’s what I know from the VEEG (but I haven’t seen the doctor yet): the seizure activity is happening in the left side of my brain during waking hours. I had several moments where my brain ‘almost’ went into a seizure but then did not. What does that mean? I didn’t experience any noticeable symptoms during those days so there’s nothing I can point to in my day to day life to know if anything is actually happening or if a “brain fart” or a moment of Deja vu is completely normal. Does anyone else experience this kind of frustration or is it usually much more apparent?


test 2

Submitted by just_joe on Sun, 2017-10-08 - 17:45
test 2

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