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It is harder and harder...

Sun, 02/12/2006 - 07:18
Hi everyone, I am 26 having seizures for last 10 years.That is crazy but I still cannot believe I am sick.That is stronger than me, everytime I have seizures(grand mal)I cry and ask God why he chose me and what I actually did wrong in my life to have it.I am depressed after every single seizure, cannot look at my mum crying, touching my head and covering my face with her tears.That is harder and harder.My doctor says I have to learn how to live with epilepsy but I still cannot believe I am sick. I read almost all comments on this site,you seem to be very optimistic still searching for new possibilities.I'd like to learn from u how to react, how to deal with epilepsy and how to find some sunshine in this grey world.Maybe in USA it looks better,people are more open that in Poland where I am living.Here sick people are out of society, they can count only on family members. I will visit this site with hope it will help me to survive.Thx for being there. I wish you all the best and good luck in everything you do. Regards, Paola Poland


Re: It is harder and harder...

Submitted by guitarmomma on Sun, 2006-02-12 - 08:13
Paola, It is very hard to cope with any chronic health issue. I know it is scary and frustrating, to say the least. Do you have access to a counselor to help you learn some ways to cope? Mind set is so important. I tend NOT to feel that people with Epilepsy as sick. They have a chronic condition, they do have to learn to cope. (My son has had seizures over half his life. COping as a teen is different than how he/we had to cope when he was little)....I am not making light of it at all. Your doctor is right though. You need to find ways to cope and carry on. How often are your seizures? Hoping you can find ways to handle this and make a good life for yourself. I do know what it is to deal with chronic health issues, have a couple of my own, just not epilepsy. Others do not often understand, even in the US. We have dealt with discrimination, misunderstanding, and even bullying abuse. Still a positive mindset, He has epilepsy it does not have him. It will not defeat him if he keeps fighting and doing all he can do... Take care, Gin

Re: It is harder and harder...

Submitted by cjcurls on Tue, 2006-02-14 - 13:23
Paola, Believe me - I've had my share of down days - I'm 29 and jut lost a baby (possibly due to meds!) Trust me though, you're not alone. Those who haven't been through this do not and CANNOT understand what it's like to be us, but we here on this site DO! I have found that having a creative outlet for my frustration and saddness has been a GREAT source of release for me! I never painted before, other than perhaps fingerpaints in grammer school, but I bought a package of canvas', some paint and a set of starter brushes - I sat down on my kitchen floor one night and filled 4 canvas' with my rage. That night I slept like I hadn't slept in a long time. Finally at peace. I now paint for my own personal therapy - my paintings now reflect my feelings of acceptance rather than rage. (Don't get me wrong - I'm still not happy about this). This week I painted one with me looking through my windows of my house - painted from my point of view looking out into my neighborhood - Not a masterpiece by anymeans, but it represents me being trapped here. Dark prison bars over the windows looking out over the happy golfers and ducks on the lake. To put my entrapment on paper somehow made it okay. A source of frustration alleviated just a bit by my self expression. There are no magic words to make your world okay, or to make your hurt go away. There is ony trust in those of us who support you and KNOW what you are going through. Try to focus on the positive - this could have been so much worse for all of us. Instead of having seizures, we could have a fatal disease, we could have any number of worse ailments than we have. I'm not one to minimize my condition but I do realize how lucky I am at the same time. I thank God everyday for giving me the day before. Lean on us in your darkest hours and we will be here to support you. We have all dwelled within those dark hours ourselves, we know, we know. You are in my prayers, Christine

Re: It is harder and harder...

Submitted by mommy2kyra on Fri, 2006-02-24 - 21:17
Paola, I'm sorry to hear how isolated and depressed you are feeling. I get that way too sometimes (it's hard not to), but I always try to remind myself of my blessings. While I don't like having epilepsy, it has made me a better and stronger person. I've made several wonderful friends here...and they've been a terrific source of support when I've felt down. I encourage you to post at least during these tough times, to gather that support from those who've been there. Most of us can definitely understand your feelings, and knowing that you aren't alone does help. A hobby to relieve stress might also help. Writing, drawing, music, dancing...anything creative...helps me renew energy. I wish you the best of luck, and hope to hear from you again soon. Don't be a stranger, take care! Heather :)

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