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New to the seizure world and concerned

Sun, 03/03/2019 - 15:21
On 2/10 I had my first seizure and my husband and son were the witnesses. I didn't remember anything after it had happened as I was asleep before it happened. It sounds like a tonic-clonic with the spasms, foaming at the mouth, soreness afterwards, and unconsciousness. I kept asking the kind and patient EMTs why they were there and asked them to leave so I could just go back to sleep. Once I realized what had happened I headed to the ER. My CT scan and all other hospital tests came back fine. I am not taking any medications, have no past experiences with seizures, am a little overweight (but am working on that gradually), and have no idea why I had one. I have an MRI and EEG scheduled for 3/11. I haven't had another seizure since but my memory, which wasn't great to start with, has gotten much worse. For 2-3 days beforehand I had had terrible headaches, but didn't think much of it since headaches are not out of the ordinary for me. I have a daith piercing that has been helping for years, but here recently the headaches are more frequent. Has anyone here had one and done seizure with no explanation for it? I have been over analyzing every sensation and am not sure yet how this will pan out. The only thing I can think of is that within the last 14 months I had a ice-skating fall that caused a large knot, but I didn't lose consciousness and a vehicle accident where another driver hit me head on but had no medical complications. I have been seeing a chiropractor after for whiplash but the accident was about 1 year ago. Thanks for any input you may have!


I had a seizure at work on 2

Submitted by Ambersloves2 on Tue, 2019-03-05 - 16:41
I had a seizure at work on 2.7.19. I was sitting at my desk doing a loan application, when next thing I know I'm laying on the floor in a pool of blood in the most pain I've ever felt in my life. Emergency ppl were all around asking me questions that I couldn't answer. I had no idea how old I was, the date, who was president, where I was...  Only thing I could remember was my name. Was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with an inferior and anterior dislocation of left shoulder, broken left proximal humerus, facial laceration above my left eye needing four stitches, and a concussion. Don't know why it happened and I've been waiting to see a neurologist for a month now. It seems like my seizure was pretty massive to cause such bodily harm. Also was told it was a tonic - clonic or "grand mal." I remember feeling abnormally tired the morning it happened. But I'm always tired, and never sleep well, so I didn't think much it. One of the scariest experiences I've ever had and like you, have been terrified and over analyzing everything ever since. 

Hi, It sounds more like you

Submitted by T. on Thu, 2019-03-14 - 20:05
Hi, It sounds more like you had a complex partial seizure.  The way you described it is exactly how my seizures are. I had my first seizure when I was four and it was just out of the blue. When they came on with more frequentcy that's when I was diagnosed with epilepsy. Since all your test came back fine and you haven't had one since it's possible it was just a one off.  You can have a seizure and not be diagnosed with epilepsy.

Hi I had a very similar

Submitted by GenEpAdult on Wed, 2019-03-27 - 18:48
Hi I had a very similar experience to you - I had a seizure in my sleep on Jan 2nd, 2019, witnessed by my boyfriend.  It appears to have been tonic clonic (drool, jerking, stiffening, eye rolling).  I am 41 and have never had one previous to this.  I have no recollection of this and was confused (but conscious) for 20 minutes after (I don't remember that either, but it's called the post-ictal period).  My CT scan, MRI and blood test were normal.  After looking at my EEG they said that I have generalized epilepsy (which is genetic), even though it's unusual to develop epilepsy so late in life, and there's no family history of it.  However, after the EEG and before the meds got sorted out, I had two more seizures in my sleep. So now I'm on meds.  The week before the first seizure I got hit on the head (no blackout or dizziness) and I did have some nausea and headache for a couple days after.  3 months before that I had a car accident (minor whiplash with headache for  a week).  I do find that the seizures have made my memory much worse.  Sorry it's not more hopeful.  Good luck. 

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