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Newbie in need of advice

Sun, 08/05/2018 - 05:53
Hi, I have always had Deja Vu and then in about 20 years ago started having migraines. Now think I might have focal seizures and would like people’s opinions. My symptoms are: Intense Deja Vu resulting in loss of memory and confusion. Scintillating scotoma. “Fire flies” Sudden panic and fear which Dr has put down as GAD with panic disorder. Strange smells Hypnogogic twitches, paralysis and voices Nausea out of nowhere. Last Friday was intense Deja Vu during fitness class. I know I finished the class but cannot account for three minutes. Haven’t got an iota of what went on. Felt out of sorts for an hour or two afterwards. Any advice ? Should I discuss with doctor ?


Sounds like the focal

Submitted by birdman on Mon, 2018-08-06 - 08:45
Sounds like the focal seizures I have experienced all my life.  Definitely talk to your doctor about it.  What kind of doctor are you seeing?  Ever had an EEG?   EEG would show if symptoms are apt to be seizure related or psychological, even if you do not have seizure during the test.  Ask to see a neurologist if you haven't seen one yet.

Hi, I am new here too! :-) I

Submitted by sforrest_21 on Tue, 2018-08-28 - 06:54
Hi, I am new here too! :-) I have these deja vu episodes too - when I spoke to my neurologist he said 'well everyone gets deja vu' and asked my mum if she had (she was in the room). He didn't seem to take it too seriously, but I had looked online and my symptoms seemed to be similar to a simple focal seizure. I get the deja vu, nausea, pupils dilate, sometimes the colour drains form my face. Normally I can still talk but I have also had the loss of awareness and I can't remember what's happened. I can usually feel it coming on so I let my girlfriend know and she keeps me talking. A few times when it's been a bad one it will lead into a full on seizure. I am taking lamotrogine and recently upped the dosage but then I had 2 deja vu's this weekend so hopefully going to change medication to see if I can stop them. Hard to explain them to people and good to know other people are having the same experiences and understand them. I had an EEG and he said my brain waves don't seem to have changed much since a previous one, even though I've been having more deja vu episodes.Would be interested to hear how you get on with your doctor! 

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