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Daughter So Sleepy on meds

Mon, 11/20/2006 - 10:21
My 10 year daughter just started on Tergtrol, taking 1 100 mil tablet in morning and evening. Its is just kicking her butt bigtime on one pill we are to increase to 2 tab in a couple days. She is falling asleep bad for like 1 1/2 hours after taking it. She cant sleep it school, I am at a loss. Give me your thoughts on this one.. What if I wake her up early I want to say around 4 to give her the morning dose, so it would give her a chance to get sleep.. Please if you dont mind share what you all did to get your kids use to the meds... Thanks in advance...susan


Re: Daughter So Sleepy on meds

Submitted by cheryl doran on Mon, 2006-11-20 - 12:34
Hi Susan, my son was on tegratol also, but did not notice the tiredness on that drug. We have been on a few others where the drug made him so tired he could not keep his eyes open about 45 mins. after the drug. We misssed alot of mornings at school for awhile till he got used to it. We did start waking him up at 6:00 in the morn. so he could go to school feeling fresh. That gave him a 3 hr. span before school, which helped alot, but has been a pain. This was the only way I could think of to help him avoid all the missed days at school or foggines at school. I know the Dr. thought it was alittle crazy, but my son always went right back to sleep after taking the med. I hope the side effects wear off after awhile, which often they do. With my son, he remained tired while on the drug for at least 7 months. It was really too high of a dose for him, but it controlled his szs. somewhat. Just remember that you have to adjust the p.m. dose. We usually gave his dose a little later at night so he would not just konk out so early. Good luck. I hope you just have to go thru this for a few weeks. Cheryl

Re: Re: Daughter So Sleepy on meds

Submitted by kayakmom on Thu, 2006-11-23 - 19:34
It sounds good to wake her early! We did this for a time with another medication as well and let him sleep a couple of hours. I am sorry she is having such a tough time adjusting. It can take a couple of months to adjust to the medicine. Sam did go right back to sleep as well after taking the meds.... HOw is she doing seizure wise on the medication?

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