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My 7 mo old has had 6 seizures in 1.5 months! I'm new here **UPDATE**

Fri, 11/24/2006 - 21:50
My 7 month old had two seizures on Wednesday (about 5 hours) apart. This has made 6 in about a month and a half. She is being referred to a ped. neurologist. I am shocked and scared. They aren't FS b/c she's never had a temp over 101. They did a CT scan in the ER and found some extra fluid on/around her brain and although a spinal tap came back fine want to address this as well. Anyone know what this could mean? I'll describe her seizures: She gets very rigid, esp. upper body, arms bent and shivers. She whimpers the entire time. She clenches her jaw and sometimes foams at the mouth. She's vomited 2x with them and has immediately pooped 2X out of the 6. They last for about 10 minutes each and then she immediately goes to sleep for about 45-60 minutes. Does anyone know what type of seizures these could be? My mom has epilepsy and she has grand mal seizures. On top of this, she's had two UTI's in a month and a half and now has to have testing done on her kidneys. I'm terrified of finding out what's the matter but not knowing is driving me crazy. I watch her like a hawk and can bring myself to be separated from her since this has happened. Thanks ladies ~Beth


Re: My 7 mo old has had 6 seizures in 1.5 months! I'm new here

Submitted by hlpmec on Mon, 2006-11-27 - 23:56
Little Julia sounds like she has a wonderful,caring mother-but don't let fear get the best of you! Your description of her seizures reminds me of the first grand mal seizure I witnessed of my daughter. Although my daughter was older when diagnosed(15 yrs) she was still my baby. I too was terrified. I needed to know that what I saw was not hurting her-a hurt I could not ease. So I decided to find out. After researching I found out the noise that is heard is a normal response of the vocal cords seizing as it constricts and pushes the air out, and the foaming of the mouth you described is basically the same thing occuring; body fluids being forced from the mouth/throat/sinuses. My daughter has not yet had her urinary or bowels to release but I would not be surprised if they do. It seems to be quite common for any or all of the body fluids to be ezpelled during a grand mal. Just keep in mind it does not "hurt" them. My daughter, like little Julia, sleeps for quite awhile, sometimes as much as a full 10 hours afterwards. I also wanted to mention that the time frame from the first sign of seizure onset to the end a full blown seizure is usually about 3-5 minutes. Our neurologist said to never let it go over 15 minutes and if it did to take her to the emergency room. When my daughters body or mind is stressed by sickness, emotions, or she's just plain worn out, it seems like her seizures are more violent.(for lack of a better word) Sounds contradictory but each seizure is the same, yet different for every person. I always keep in mind though that the only thing life-threatening is ignorance! Arm yourself with knowledge gained from personal observations of your little one, but also from others who live with seizures, doctors who deal with seizures(they too are not all the same or have the same levels of knowledge), medical books, journals, and articles. You will be able to provide the most love and help for your child, if you can communicate for, convey to, and create with others the kind of world you want for her while living with seizures. God Bless you.

Re: My 7 mo old has had 6 seizures in 1.5 months! I'm new here

Submitted by ladybug on Tue, 2006-11-28 - 07:44
Good morning, First, I'm so sorry that you are experiencing all of this. I agree with the last person that posted. :) Secondly, I have to ask this, how long after her baby shots did she start having the seizures? The reason for this question, is this. That's how I came to have epilepsy. I had an allergic reaction the the DPT shot. Take care, Ladybug "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "Plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

Re: Re: My 7 mo old has had 6 seizures in 1.5 months! I'm new he

Submitted by juliasmom on Tue, 2006-11-28 - 19:02
hipmec~ Thank you so much for that information! I go tomorrow for the first ped. neurologist appt! ladybug~ Julia's first seizure was on Oct. 3rd. She had shots at her 4 month appt in late August and then another dose of shots in the middle of October.

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