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Need Advice

Mon, 10/30/2006 - 18:40
My dd is 7 years old. She has been having Absense seizures for the past 14 months. She has been on Zarontin and Lamictal and neither of them are working. She is taking 200 mg twice a day and is still having between 40-50 a day (including the small 1-2 second ones) Doctor wants to put her on Depakote or Zonegran (which is new). I have choosen to put her on Zonegran because I am very leary of the Depakote. Can anyone tell me what reactions there children have had on Depakote. Also, has anyone tried any natural remedies instead of the medication and has it helped. I am new to this board and will take any information that you are willing to give to me. I am starting to get frustrated since I thought that it would be controlled by now.


Re: Need Advice

Submitted by powerofprayer on Tue, 2006-10-31 - 09:12
I was diagnosised with Epilepsy at 5 yrs old. I am now 26 and have been seizure free for 10 years and off medication for 4 years. I was put on several medications Dilantin,Tegretol,Depakane,& Depakote. Depakote seemed to be the only medicine that kept my seizures under control. I was taking 1000mg a day. They doctors told my mom that I would have hair loss, weight gain, depression. Well, I was always under weight and I had the thickest head of hair in my family. I did suffer from depression. I got upset real easy and I was always emotional. I don't know if the emotional problems had to do with the medication or the lack of understanding. Your daughter will probablly go through this stage no matter what the medication she is on. The people in her life can either make a big difference in her life or hurt her chances of living life to the fullest. You can't be with her every second of everyday, but school was a very tramatic experience for me. Kids make fun of you because your different and teachers get frustrated at you and you start to feel stuiped. When all you need is for some one to care and encourage you. I wish the best of luck to you and your daughter. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I never thought I would be able to have the chance of a normal life and now I have. Yes, it was a long hard road for me and my family, but God pulled us through. I hope I helped in some way. Powerofprayer

Re: Need Advice

Submitted by jimmy on Thu, 2006-11-09 - 14:12
James Polaro Hi I ready your blog and question and it hit home for me. My child does not have epilepsy but I have had it since 15 years old. Which was 17 years ago. It took 5 years of mix and matching my medication to get it under control. I was on Depakote and Zarontin and those where the medications I got seizure free on. I have petit mal seizures. Now after being seizure free for so long I am on a medication called Depikote ER(Extended Release) I am on 1500 mg a day. It definately works for me. If you want to chat personally email me at [email protected]

Re: Need Advice

Submitted by jmccand on Sun, 2006-11-12 - 21:48
My daughter is 8 and has absence and myoclonic seizures. She is taking Depakote and it is controlling her seizures. We have not seen any side effects from this medicine. They check her blood levels regularly and her liver function. She was on Keppra prior to Depakote and it was horrible. On Keppra, she was no longer my daughter with increased seizures, headaches, and sensitivity to light. Depakote has been a blessing to us. I have my daughter back and she is seizure free for the time being. I know that every drug effects people differently though. Lori

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