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Absance Seizures and Lamictal

Sat, 04/09/2011 - 17:24

Dear All,

My daughter (5 year old) was diagnosed with absance seizures last year.  Our doctor put her on Ethosuximide (250mg twice a day).  Her seizures got much better and we immediately notice a great change in her ability to interact with others.  She is doing great at school, however, her seizures have not subsided.  She still has a couple visible seizures a day.  As a result, our doctor wants us to keep her on Ethosuximide and add Lamictal as well.  We are concerned about the drug indications and side effects.

I am interested on hearing about anyone's experience with these drugs.

Thank you,


Re: Absance Seizures and Lamictal

Submitted by Yale Absence Epilepsy Study on Tue, 2012-11-27 - 11:39

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