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My Miracle....

Wed, 04/26/2006 - 17:27
Hi, I posted in another forum as well because this has been so life changing for me I want to share it with as many people as I can. I am not trying to "sell" you on anything, I sincerely want to share with you what has helped me. A year ago April 15 I was rushed to the hospital with what they thought was a TIA. I have been through the worst year of my life. After every test that can be done, viles and viles of blood, Drs. and more Drs., these mysterious episodes happening constantly and feeling so bad I thought I would die, they said that I was having some sort of complex partial seizures. I was terrified. Then my best friends came to me and said they had heard of an all natural product that might help me. I had nothing to lose, the last drug I was on was making me phycho...just ask my husband, I went off the meds and started this product. Since I started it, I have not had one single seizure, none. I feel better now than I have in YEARS! I have energy I've not had in years, my short term memory is back, I feel GREAT. I am not saying this will work for you, but I cannot sit back and not share this absolute blessing from God with as many people as I can, just in case it could help someone else. If you want to know more about it just email me at I have made it my life's mission to share this blessing like my friends did with me. If they hadn't I don't know where I'd be today. They saved my life!! Blessings! Amy :) or

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