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21 years old, pregnant and on tegretol carbamezapine

Sat, 12/23/2006 - 13:15
hi, my name is emma, i am 21 years old and have had 2 grand mal epileptic seizures at the age of 12, and 1 at the age of 13. i got put on EPILIM which made me gain stones of weight so go changed to carbamezapine at the age of 15. A week ago i found out i was pregnant, i went to the doctors 5days ago and she told me i would be about 5-6 weeks pregnant and has prescribed me with 5mg of folic acid a day, along with my regular dose of 600mg carbamezapine per day, is this safe and could it harm me or my baby?? i have been feeling very ill since finding out an i panic very easily about the smallest of things. i havent been feeling well since finding out y news last week eg short breathnesss, very tired, sore nipples, feeling extrememely ill from morning to night but especially early morning and late nights. When night comes i do not want t do anything but lay in bed with a DVD, i feel so low and just want to cry.


Re: 21 years old, pregnant and on tegretol carbamezapine

Submitted by solis on Sat, 2006-12-23 - 16:17
Carbamazepine (tegretol) is one of the safer old AEDs re pregnancy. I was pregnant while on it and my children are normal. ~sol

Re: Re: 21 years old, pregnant and on tegretol carbamezapine

Submitted by Kim0592 on Thu, 2007-01-04 - 16:05
Yes, it is very safe to take while you are pregnant. I took it for many years and while I was pregnant with my two very healthy children. Good luck with your pregnancy! Kim

Re: 21 years old, pregnant and on tegretol carbamezapine

Submitted by revawave on Wed, 2007-02-28 - 09:46
I took Tegretol with both pregnancies. I was on 1200 a day so double what you are taking. I had no problems. I actually loved the attention of a high risk OB, getting to see my baby way more than a "healthy" woman would!

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