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Discontinuing Tegretol and staying seizure free

Sat, 02/17/2007 - 03:19
Hi, I had my first seizure 7 months ago and have 2 more since then. I started taking Tegretol 6 months ago and are supposed to stay on it for 2 years. We are considering have a second child and before we do I would like to stop taking the Tegretol as I do not want to take it while I'm pregnant. I am concerned that if I stop taking it after only 6 months my seizures might come back. Is there anyone who has stopped taking there anti-epileptic medication while pregant and stayed seizure free?


Epilepsy is like diabetes

Submitted by solis on Sat, 2007-02-17 - 04:15
Epilepsy is like diabetes as, with the exception of a few childhood varities, once you have it you will always need meds. And you are right to be concerned about returning seizures. In fact, it's common for many people who are completely controlled on drugs to think the problem has vanished, stop taking meds & to have a reaction. Just remember, in US states ,if you seize, it is illgal to drive until controlled for at least 6 months (plus if you didn't tell your insurance company about the E, it's likely now invalid). So, before you opt off the meds just perhaps you'd do best to see what your specialist says. As for plans to nix meds even after 2 years, unless your reason for seizures will be eradicated, I'd suggest you see an epileptologist (a neurologist that specializes in E) before you jump to any conclusions. Stopping taking AEDs often makes seizures return more strongly. I had 2 heathy children while on AEDs (Tegretol being one). ~sol

Re: Epilepsy is like diabetes

Submitted by Mel26 on Sat, 2007-02-17 - 05:18
All 3 of my seizures have been at night and I have had numerous tests done and all were clear. None showed that I have epilepsy or any other problems. My neaurologist has diagnosed me with epilepsy only because I have had 3 but there is still nothing to prove that I do have it.

I'm sure it's difficult to

Submitted by solis on Sat, 2007-02-17 - 16:13
I'm sure it's difficult to face the situation, but the fact that you have no test proving you are epileptic is far from uncommon. Moreover, competent physicians do NOT prescribe drugs unless they believe the patient has epilepsy. "The results of these tests often appear completely normal in people with epilepsy....Normal test results do not mean that the seizures are not real or that epilepsy is not present." Carl W. Bazil, M.D., Ph.D. I'd strongly suggest you read the website: is the product of physicians; so, unlike many sites online, the information there is 100% accurate However, to prove the situation re: epilepsy (yea or nay) to yourself, 1) have your physician send you to an epileptologist and 2) request a VEEG test. Then you will know (for sure) and will avoid 'possibly' causing seizures to worsen which a known trend for people who need and yet who stop taking anti-convulsants. Honestly I'm NOT trying to hurt your feelings; but, I've coped a long time, so I understand your emotional disbelief completely. Such is common. ~sol

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