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Does stopping the pill upset the seizure frequency?

Fri, 03/23/2007 - 02:09
HI ALl I suffer from grand mal (tonic clonic) seizures at night mainly when sleeping. I am 35 years old and have been on the pill for 10 years. I have decided to come off it and see how my periods go without it. I was originally put on it for irregular periods as well as pregnancy precaution. I have 2 beutiful boys who are 6 and 8 and I do not want to have any more children. The other medical problem that I seem to have is irritable bowel. This has come about after I had my second child. Both of my pregnancies were good but the deliveries were hell!!!! My first was a 10 pound 7 ounce and I had 27 hours or greuling labour. After that my Dr gave me a cesarean (because I threatened to cut his *&^@ off )!!!!! My body would not dialate more then 4 cms. My second child was by cesarean as well due to this reason and he was 5 weeks preme and 8 pound 7. I am worried that my irritable bowel is going to get worse with my periods now. Since coming off thepill, I am very aggitated and nervy. I am notsure if this is becasue of the hormone changes in me. I am on cipramil for anti-depressant too for depression. i am thinking that maybe a hysterectomy would just get rid of the problem. No periods, no pain. Hopefully no seizures. Can you all give me some advice here. I am clueless. Jodi

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