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Epilepsy Issues

Thu, 08/03/2006 - 02:11
Hey y'all I was in here back in April or May of this year and first I want to thank all of you for all of your help. I have a new issue of discussion...I had been diagnosed with epilepsy back in Feb. 05' and was unable to work or drive. well now that it's a little straighter, I got married again and tried to go back to work due to the fact that I was denied social security benefits. While at work, I had an episode and was told not to come back to work at all.(In other words, I was fired) But I have this problem, I have to pay child support every month and haven't been able to since i'm not working and now my ex is threatening to put me in jail if I don't knowing the condition that i'm in. I'm calling my social worker in the morning, but I was wondering if anyone has been in this similar situation. Any advice would be most helpful. I really don't want to go to jail. Thanks Victoria L.


Re: Epilepsy Issues

Submitted by solis on Thu, 2006-08-03 - 03:21
Hi... Sadly, this problem is not uncommon but nonetheless it is wromg. I assume you are in the USA, so I'll give you a link to some pages. As you will read they had no right to fire you, and broke the law via doing so. ~sol

Re: Epilepsy Issues

Submitted by sgritchie on Mon, 2006-08-28 - 02:30
Hi, gee you poor thing. Its hard when you suffer from a disorder which can affect work, lifestyle and ability to drive. On top of that you are denied financial support from your government, an unprofessional employer (rat) who fired you and also an ex who wants to make your life even more difficult. Its all very unjust. In Australia single parents are looked after financially by our government. There are all sorts of services to help parents in your situation. What your employer did was illegal, you can perhaps appeal and I would think that there would be services in your country where you can find this information out. You are not alone, perhaps you could find out where all the support groups are of parents in similar situation. Sorry I can't help you further. Keep your chin up and think positive.

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