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growing up

Wed, 03/14/2007 - 02:18
HI everyone i was wondering if its possible for the seizures and epilepsy to go away as u get older. im 20 and i've had seizures since i was 7 but theyre controled with drugs. i take 400mg lamictal everyday and my havent had seizures for the past 5 or 6 years. i heard somewhere that your seizures can get better as u grow older and maybe by the age of 30 u could be normal. because my eeg did improve the last time. so do u think that there's a posibility it will improve when i grow older????


Re: growing up

Submitted by lisaltstheresa on Fri, 2007-03-16 - 10:10
Some children do grow out of it. But it is really hard to say. For we are all different. It can get better but then again get worse. For myself, I had generalized seizures as a child. When I had my first child I had my last and just had complex partials. Then In my early 40's I was only having 1 to 2 every other month. But now that I am approaching menapause, my seizures have gotten worse. But hopefully it will change again to better when I am finally in menapause. take care Lisa

Re: Re: growing up

Submitted by nastaran on Sat, 2007-03-17 - 12:25
thanx for your reply lisa i hope your seizures will get better very soon. love, nas

Re: growing up

Submitted by Trielle on Sun, 2007-03-18 - 15:30
I myself grew up with them. I got them really young and it appears that I have outgorwn them. I was having absence seizures, and alot of them when I was diagnosed. I am now about 8 years free of them as far as I know.

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