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Having problems the memory

Sat, 01/28/2006 - 00:58
Hi, my name is Alissa. I'm 26 and found out in November of last year that I have Epilepsy. I am on Dilantin three times a day. I started having problems with it the first two weeks I was put on it. I'm still having trouble with it, but it's getting worse now. When I started taking Dilantin, I was seeing more than two or three people of one person at a time. I couldn't walk a straight line or talk in complete setences. But now, I'm having problems remembering how to spell simple words that I use everyday. I still have trouble talking without sounding like I'm drunk all the time. I pass out and lose several hours at a time. I'm scared that one day, I'm going to pass out and forget to go pick up my 5 year old daughter from school one day. I have her and my husband helping me remember to go get her everyday after school, but I'm still scared that I will forget her. I haven't seen my doctor yet because he's been out of town since I was in the hospital. I couldn't see any of the other doctors at his office because they had no idea what was going on with me. I'm going to go my doctor next thursday with my husband. I hope that he can help me with my promblems. I keep getting worse by the day. My husband is going with me to explain to the doctor things I don't know that are also going on. He and I just want to know what is causing these problems now. I feel like my old life is gone and a new life was thrown at me without any help. If anyone has any suggestion, fell free to write and tell me. I would like to learn how you delt with it and what kind of questions you asked the doctor. Thank you, Alissa


Re: Having problems the memory

Submitted by pinkangel_82 on Sat, 2006-01-28 - 12:58
Hi Alissa From reading your post it sounds to me as if your taking too much Dilantin which is now giving you these terrible side effects. You need to go and visit your doctor and explain these side effects that Dilantin is giving you and that you would like for him/her to either lower your dosage or change your medication. About 15 years ago when I was taking Phenytoin this drug was making me have double vision, unable to walk in a straight line, always falling whilst trying to walk and looking has if I was drunk. In the end my mum and I went to visit my neurologist and he could tell by watching me walk into his office that I was very unwell and he admitted me to hospital immediately where I was then given loads of tests and taken off all my medication and put on something else. They found out that phenytoin was poisoning my body and my drug level was too high. So I can understand how you must be feeling with these side effects your getting. So please go and see your doctor/neurologist really soon where she/he will sort it out for you. Please let me know how you get on. All the best Teri

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