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Fri, 02/23/2007 - 15:33
Can anyone help? I was out shopping with my friend at the weekend (She was visiting from London) We has been shopping for about an houe when all of a sudden she said 'I'm gonna go' She seems to get a weekness in her legs. Fortunately we made it to a bench, where she seemed to just collapse and went quite limp. After a few minutes she seemed to come around and although she didn't seem able to talk, she was pulling at her face like it dind;t belong to her. Also she seemed to be counting her fingers to see if they were all there. These lapses seem to take it out of her but, after a couple of hours she is as right as rain. She was diagnosed with ME last year and had thought that it was ME related. She has paid for a MRI scan today and is awaiting results. I so much want to be there for her, but I live in Liverpool. I know that if the diagnosis is positive it will change her way of life, she just needs to drive, its where she lives!! Does anyone out there have anything similar to this??? If so will this get better with medication? I have never come across anyone who lives with epilepsy hoping you can offer advice? Thanks Carole


Re: Help????

Submitted by epileptic teen on Sat, 2007-03-03 - 10:20
Just be there for your friend, she'll need you. epilepsy is tough to live with, but life moves on. Be supportive and understading even if you don't understand, which you probably don't(no offence)

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