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Help for seizures around your period

Fri, 11/10/2006 - 20:51
For months I was getting the same seizure before my period. I get complex partials. It was terrible. I couldn't avoid them. I did so much research on the web and finally found a site with alot of info for women with epilepsy. is helpful. I found out that progesterone inhibits seizure activity while estrogen exacerbates it. My neurologist is wonderful and I wish she'd suggested this but as I said I found it on the web. Once I did I called my gynecologist and she prescribed a progesterone supplement: prometrium. I hadn't had a seizure in three months until last month. It was so disappointing but got me to folow the doctor's suggestion. 5 nights a month during my seizure danger zone: day 19-22 I take 1/4 mg. of klonopin. She's suggested this for awhile. I did take them when I had simple seizures but starting last night, I'm taking them as I described above. I HOPE this helps ALOT of women. Nancy B.


Hey. I am glad to meet you.

Submitted by Karebear412 on Sun, 2006-11-12 - 16:58
Hey. I am glad to meet you. I only just was diagnosed with Epilepsy recently but it all started when my daughter was 3 weeks old. (She is 6 months now). I had a seizure but thought I passed out (I was confused and shaking and didn't remember what happened). Then a month ago after my first period after having my daughter I had 3 gran mal seizures and wound up in the hospital. I was cooking in the kitchen but then woke up a day later in the Medical unit). I was talking etc but don't rememeber anything before going unconscious. The continuous EEG determined I need Keppra 625mg twice a day. The Dr. said it could be hormonal but you can't be sure but if it is, I will keep your suggestion in mind. THANKS. I am so afraid of getting my period again. I have irregular periods so I don't know when I will get it but I am starting to worry as its been a month now. Well nice to meet you. Hope to get to know you better. You can read my story in "New Here!" Karen

Re: Hey. I am glad to meet you.

Submitted by meeciamecia on Sat, 2006-11-18 - 15:13
meeciamecia, Let's see whould u think it is okay to take medicine while u r pregant can u even breast feed. I was told that I could breast feed when I had my childern. But I wasn't told anything about me takeing medicine while I was pregant.Should have I taken medicine then. my daughter went through hell & back. She had to stay in the hospital an extra 2wks; & she was hooked up to alot of different stuff. And also could drink out of a regular nipple, she had to be fed out of an eye dropper.I was really scared when I got pregant w/ my 3 kids. But when what happened w/ my daughter I just as they say closed up shop.LOL.

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