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i need advice.

Thu, 08/17/2006 - 12:52
i think maybe a woman will understand this problem that im having: I am babysitting today..I only bring that up because sometime next week i have to be totally left alone with both children. with my mom its fine because someone's there if i have aseizure but alone there's nobody and something could happen to those children if i have a seizure. i could be holding the 8week old baby and drop him. that scares me to death because i know if i drop him i can do alot of damage. hopefully, nothing will go wrong but it could. i am just freaking out at the possibility of being left alone with these children and i dont know how to tell my parents and sister that i cant watch the boys because of my fears because there will be some comment made about it and not a positive one. but i dont to watch them and something happen. The problem is this my sister and parents basically help support me and i feel obligated to do what they ask. I am scared to death though. Can someone give me advice about either how to get out of it or how to relax so that i can handle it? Thanks...Angie


Re: i need advice.

Submitted by wendygirl on Thu, 2006-08-17 - 14:08
Dear Angie, I am new here. I do not know much about your seizures so I cannot give advice about that. Maybe some moms will come forward. ButI did family daycare in my home for years and if you are worried maybe you should talk to your mom. I know some mom's are hard to approach (mine is). Maybe you should just bring it up and tell her you have been worried. It would be bad to drop a baby- yes. Maybe you should consult your dr and then go by his advice. Maybe your mom would agree to that. I understand the being supported part makes you feel you cannot say no but when a situation involves possible harm, then I think you are right to refuse. If you do decide to babysit, maybe you can sit on the floor with the baby lying on a blanket. Then you can play with the baby by hanging things above him, and talking to him, singing- babies love all that. The baby can nap right there. And babies think other people are just beautiful- that encouraged me many times doing daycare things like singing (everyone in my family yells at me because I sound so terrible but the kids thought I was great!) They think you are the sun and moon when they are little ones. Are there going to be any other older children present? If so, they could at least dial 911, even if they are little they could be taught to call for help if they know their numbers. Feed him in a carrier or carseat, belted and that will minimize the amount of time holding the baby. If you have a plan such as I am suggesting, then it can help you to feel reassured. I wish you the best and will pray for your situation. Wendy

Re: i need advice.

Submitted by 2spacey4me on Thu, 2006-08-17 - 23:50
well, all i can say is that i REALLY think the previous feedback you got on this was absolutely wonderful advice. like putting the baby in a carseat, laying on the floor with the baby. hey, you could even put a movie in or put the t.v. on for them. and if you're worried about a szr, just make sure you have your distance from them. and you could still watch a movie with them. i think that most fear and anxiety comes from the feeling of being unprepared, or having no prior plans made. make a list of 'plan a', 'plan b', and 'plan c'. and always remember-if you REALLY don't feel comfortable doing this, requardless, YOU DON'T HAVE TO. i think that God is even understanding of humans not always doing for one another. he's an understanding God. i imagine if you feel guilty over maybe not even watching the kids, this might throw you into a szr, itself. safety comes first. even with yourself, not to mention the kids. do whatever you have to do, hon. and if you say no, to keep yourself from feeling possible guilt from it, just remind yourself of why you even said no. it's not because you don't care, but it's because you do. and know in your heart that whatever you do good from the heart is all that matters. Serena

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