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Is it possible to have healthy babies if you have siezures?

Tue, 03/14/2006 - 16:13
Hi my name is Miranda and I am only 20 yrs old, and i've had coplex partial siezures for about 7 yrs now and now that i'm thinking of children I want to know if it is possible so my question to some of you moms is, is it possible to have a healthy baby if i have siezures?


Re: Is it possible to have healthy babies if you have siezures?

Submitted by T mama on Tue, 2006-03-14 - 17:41
Hi Miranda, I was diagnosed with epilepsy at age 23 and have been on medication ever since. I am now 30 with two healtly beautiful baby boys, both conceived, carried, delivered and breast fed while I was taking gabapentin. I am now considering having another baby and so I will continue on this same med, which is among the safest for pregnancy. My boys and further efforts are proof that it is possible to have babies with this condition. Of course, your doctor will have to determine whether or not your particular medications and seizures would be safe. Good luck to you! Steph

Re: Re: Is it possible to have healthy babies if you have siezur

Submitted by bhullar on Mon, 2007-07-16 - 08:51
Hi Steph Your story is very interesting, I am pregnant and told I cannot continue taking gabapentin for neuraliga but my pain is really bad so I will be seeing an obstetrician so he can make a decision..what dosage of gabapentin were you on during pregnancy and breastfeeding and were you carefully monitored throuhgout??

Re: Re: Is it possible to have healthy babies if you have siezur

Submitted by llora428j on Mon, 2007-07-23 - 13:38
I am a 42 year old woman. I started having seizures when I was 13. I now have two beautiful girls ages 11 and 14. I was on medication during both my pregnancies. I was watched closely. I did have seizures during pregnancy with both of my girls. I was on Tegretol because it is the oldest drug tested with pregnancies. I was always told I could never have children. Then I changed doctors and my new doctor said of course I could have children. The risk is always there. The risk with Tegretol was missing digits. But both my girls have all their digits. My youngest played the piano and is fixing to start playing flute in the band. I just prayed the whole time I was pregnant with them both. It is up to the Good Lord in the end. Good Luck. Hope you have many years of fun with your future children. Llora

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