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Just been diagnosed

Wed, 01/03/2007 - 08:21
Hi, my name is Debbie and I'm new to the site, but I can't tell you how helpful it's been. I was diagnosed with seizures back in October 2006, after I was rushed to the hospital with a "fainting' spell. On Oct. 18, 2006, I had an EEG, which diagnosed me with this..."This is an abnormal study for the presence of epilepitform discharges in the right and left temporal head regions". The Clinical Correlation: "This study would support a diagnosis of epilepsy. Can anyone help me understand what this really means? The neurolgist that I see (Seeing a new doctor Jan. 31) does nothing to help me understand this problem. If anything, he upsets me so much that I have these damn seizures! I know something is not right, but can the EEG be wrong? Can this be something else, or does it really mean I have epilepsy? Right now I'm taking nothing. (My chose) I took Trileptal, but my God, I felt awful! It was like having the worse flu I ever had. Now I'm just praying a great deal! Thank you in advance for your time and I look forward to gettting any and all information I can get. God bless to all and here's to a better year! Deb


Re: Just been diagnosed

Submitted by stacie on Wed, 2007-01-03 - 20:10
Hi Deb! My name is Stacie, I'm 32 years old and started having part-complex & GrandMal seizures when I was 24 and they have no idea why. I'm taking Trileptal 300mg - 3 1/2 tablets at bedtime & Topamax 100mg at bedtime. (I'm also suppose to be taking the same amount in the morning also, but I'm not able to function during the day on this medication.) I need to take these meds at night and be sure to not take them too late, because I feel like I'm drunk! If I take it too late at night, I have a really hard time getting up the next morning. I thought the dizziness side effect would go away after taking for awhile, but it's been many years now with no relief - so I'm just careful to take it on time. If I get too tired, stressed, upset, etc, I sometimes have break-through seizures. Good luck & ask lots of questions at new MD. Don't leave until you're satisfied - that's what they are there for. Take care and GOOD LUCK!!

Re: Just been diagnosed

Submitted by anniemarie on Fri, 2007-01-05 - 04:25
anniemarie,Hi Debbie I was diagnosed with Grandmal Seizures when I was in the 5th Grade, I had Several of them in School. Yes the E.E.Gs do not lie that u are having Epileptic attacks because that is how I was Diagnosed. But Seizures are caused by an underlying Medical Problem or u were sick with something in the past or recently that made this happen. I to get very upset with my Doc to and I do get side affects from my meds like Short Term Memory Loss and Slurred Speech but they can change your meds to see what is good for u since u are new to this. Iam 41 and still a sufferer because of High fevers that almost killed me when I was a Baby so I got Brain Damage from it. If anytime u need help feel free to get a hold of me. [email protected] or on the chat

Re: Just been diagnosed

Submitted by kmo on Sun, 2007-01-07 - 20:32
Hi Deb. I am 38, and had my first seizure last April. 6 in the morning. Had eeg, mri, ct scan and found nothing irregular. Had another seizure in October, and because it was my second in six months, I was diagnosed with Epilepsy. Again, more tests and nothing found, although I am scheduled for another sleep-deprived eeg in February. I think the epilepsy diagnosis simply comes after having a certain number of seizures within a certain time frame. The term epilepsy, and how you define it, is up to you. The great thing is that there is so much info out there. The hard part is pulling out the parts that are relevant to your own life and your own health. Frustration, anger, sadness...all of these are to be expected. Whether due to medication or just the complete change this can make in your life. Know that you are not alone. Count on your friends. Read all that you can. Be grateful for every day. Teach what you learn. Best of luck and warm thoughts, kristen

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