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Lamictal & IUD

Wed, 08/16/2006 - 14:10
I am currently taking Lamictal for my epilepsy. I want to have an IUD put in next month, but the pamphlet stated that additional care from my physician would be needed. When I emailed about this to my Gyno, he responded by saying he didn't think it was an issue, and I should go ahead and have it put in. I'm concerned that the effectiveness of the unit might be compromised. I've researched this on the Lamictal website, but it's mainly geared towards Bipolar disorder, and I couldn't find anything. Do you have any additional information, or do you know where I should look? Thanks!


Re: Lamictal & IUD

Submitted by GodivaGirl on Wed, 2006-08-16 - 19:12
Here's a URL about IUDs for you: What you need to do is research IUD's more. Get a non-hormonal one and you shouldn't have any problems. I'm not on Lamictal, but am on IUD # 3. I also take a birth control pill more to regulate my cycle for hormonal seizures. If this is the first IUD you're getting be prepared for the first few monthly cycles to be a bit out of whack and a bit more intense. It's not that bad. I'd also take a day off work when you book the appointment to get one in. I'm on my 3rd one because I get ones that are only good for about 3 yrs. After a week, you never really know the "gadget" is there. For me, I've been on the following seizure meds (combinations of) with no issues - Tegretol CR, Clobazam, Topomax, Keppra. Basically, as evil as they are having the IUD for me just means a pap test every 6 mths instead of year, and at the same time my family doc. does a blood work series. I wouldn't worry, but hope the link helps...and trust me, it hurts a lot day 1, take some motrin, but things ease up. Hope I've helped ya a bit. EC

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