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Lamictal & Yasmin

Sun, 03/11/2007 - 11:41
I have been taking Lamictal, along with Lithium for the past 8 or 9 months. Different from most, my Lamictal has affected the levels of birth control instead of the opposite. I was on the Nuva Ring, and switched to Yasmin, which had higher levels of a proestogen. For the past two months it had worked... better than the nuva ring. My periods have been abnormal since I started taking Lamictal, but in the sense that I was spotting all month long and still having a period (less spotting with yasmin). This month, my period consisted of spotting for two days, and no signs of anything else for a week. I have taken 2 pregnancy tests and they were both negative. Any help???


Re: Lamictal & Yasmin

Submitted by Jersey on Mon, 2007-03-12 - 17:14
It most likely the birth control and not the lamictal that is messing up your period because the lamictal isn't broken down in the liver. I'm on seasonale and the first five months i had break through bleeding... now I barely have a period at all and the gyno said its normal.

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