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Lupus and Epilepsy

Sun, 12/17/2006 - 15:24
Hi! :) Does anyone out there have both Epilepsy and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (S.L.E.)? I was diagnosed with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Right Frontal Lobe Epilepsy approximately three months ago and have now been diagnosed with Lupus. I was just wondering if anybody out there has both and if so, how their Lupus affects their Epilepsy? Thanks!


Re: Lupus and Epilepsy

Submitted by sophiaq on Wed, 2009-02-04 - 13:22


I was diagnosed with SLE about 4 years ago, but have been having siezgures at night, i asked my GP and the neurologist if there was a link but they did not know for sure! ive been researching journals and havent found anything conclusive!

I was wondering how serious it would be if i did not take the medication they want to give me! i havent started it yet as i thought it best to wait for the results of the MRI scan.

Really not sure what i should do! and no one seems to be able to give me any info or advice including my doctor's & fam!




I was diagnosed with SLE about 4 years ago, but have been having siezgures at night, i asked my GP and the neurologist if there was a link but they did not know for sure! ive been researching journals and havent found anything conclusive!

I was wondering how serious it would be if i did not take the medication they want to give me! i havent started it yet as i thought it best to wait for the results of the MRI scan.

Really not sure what i should do! and no one seems to be able to give me any info or advice including my doctor's & fam!



Re: Lupus and Epilepsy

Submitted by rbrotsky on Wed, 2009-02-04 - 15:31
I see a rheumatologist who is now running blood tests to check for lupus or another autoimmune disease.  She is checking it because I have a few of the symptoms and because my seizures just started over the past year.  She said that lupus and some of the other autoimmune diseases can cause seizures and even focal points in the brain.  Since some of the blood work came back abnormal, she is now in the process of talking with my neurologist about a possible connection.  If you have questions about it, I would talk to my rheumatologist as they seem to understand this aspect of it better than a neurologist would!

Re: Lupus and Epilepsy

Submitted by skillefer on Wed, 2009-02-04 - 23:09
Certain AED's can cause you might want to check your med.

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