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A mom-to-be here, worried about Grand Mal sz.

Sat, 12/30/2006 - 19:55
Hi all, I'm also a new member. Great board. A brief snapshot of me: We're adopting a baby girl in the next couple of months. The wait has been over 2 years, and I cannot wait to be a Mom. After briefly considering bio children, we decided to adopt. With my grand mal sz's and Depakote/Lamictal cocktail, we naturally had major concerns about me and the baby. So, here I am on this journey, and I haven't looked back for one second. Now I have new concerns for our soon to be home baby. All new moms have challenges, but for us with epilepsy, I'm realizing we're loaded up with ten times those challenges. It's been almost 3yrs since my last sz, so I'm hoping all will be OK. But stress and lack of sleep are my triggers, and those will come hand-in-hand with motherhood. I'm reaching out to the women trying to manage motherhood and epilepsy. What were your fears? How did you overcome them? If you weren't able to manage your sz, how did you find a way to keep your children safe? It's hard meandering through this path of upcoming motherhood and trying to figure a safe way to deal with epilepsy. Thanks for listening, would love to hear your thoughts. Happy 07, Lisa


Re: A mom-to-be here, worried about Grand Mal sz.

Submitted by Lynn Maxwell on Sat, 2006-12-30 - 23:14
Hello, Congratulations!!! I have 2 sons ages 13 and 15. I have had seizures all my life. It was interesting at times. I do not know if you have ever had what they call catamenial seizures which happen around that time of the month. I get those every now and again and they are very frustrating. As long as you have an understanding huband and he understands your feeling and a support group of some kind you should be ok. If you ever want to talk just email me direct at [email protected] I hope this helps... Lynn in Phoenix, AZ

Re: Re: A mom-to-be here, worried about Grand Mal sz.

Submitted by cntrygrl on Mon, 2007-01-22 - 14:30
I have had epilepsy for 15yrs now. I have a 18yr old son a 13yr old son and a 7yr old daughter. I have found it hard many times to cope with the stress and the tired feelings I get from my family and the medication. I found that making sure my husband,mom and friends anyone close understands that I have epilepsy and to let them help out whenever there around even to talk with when feeling down because of this,try to get rest at the same time your child is and dont be afraid to ask someone you trust to help out when your not feeling good,let things go that are not that important,take time for yourself and rest whenever you can. I have always counted on close people I trust to help me out,you and your child will be fine.

Re: A mom-to-be here, worried about Grand Mal sz.

Submitted by sweetlpn79 on Wed, 2007-02-07 - 13:24
Lisa, totally understand and congrat on the new little one. My husband and I have a biological 2 yr. old and a foster/adopt 3 1/2 yr. old. I have been diagnosed for 6+ yrs. with temporal lobe szs. I usually do well and the meds keep the sz's at bay, but occasionally have a bad couple days. I have always just tried to remember that I am not superwoman, and try to take care of myself. Every now and then, I take an evening and go to bed early and leave my husband to tend to the kids. It helps if your husband and/or other family members are supportive and understanding. I do still get depressed when I am having issues with my sz's and cannot function as normal, b/c i feel like i am incapable, and not as good of a mom as a "healthy mom". But my husband is very supportive, and reminds me that we all have something to deal with, and that happens to be mine. I also pray alot to get through the down times. Best of luck and try to keep your head up!! Steph

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