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mood swings

Mon, 01/22/2007 - 01:28
Does anyone out there have mood swings like incredibly happy one moment and then you snap at what might seem important at the time but was very trivial? Please don't tell me i have bipolar disorder, like i need to tack on another issue... :(


Re: mood swings

Submitted by destiny1 on Mon, 2007-01-22 - 02:24
You might want to check out the side effects list for your meds. Many anti-seizure meds have the potential to cause "emotional lability" (a fancy phrase for short lived moods that are stronger than what would "normally" be expected and that are often started as overly strong reactions to things - I got it from trileptal and it was like being trapped in really bad PMS for weeks on end). I'd start with this (and checking for other psychiatric side effects) before I started running to a psychiatrist for an evaluation. BTW, some types of seizures can also cause mood disturbances. So the place I'd start (if it were me) would be with my pharmacist and neuro.

Re: Re: mood swings

Submitted by cntrygrl on Mon, 2007-01-22 - 12:54
I have had many short term mood swings that didnt seem to make sense afterword,my doctor said it could be a side effect of the medication I was on.I was taking Depakote for a long time ,didnt help just caused more severe side effects not Bipolar,I switched to Keppra about a year ago and have felt much better and controlled my seizures much better and attitude much happier.So talk to your doctor about your medicine. It helped me greatly,hope you feel better and know your not alone.

Re: Re: mood swings

Submitted by rosegirl on Mon, 2007-01-22 - 17:17
I checked all the symptoms of my meds and found out that Lamictal also treats the manic/ or depressive parts of bipolar disorder. I don't plan on running to the psychiatrist because of this. Maybe it's the combo of all my drugs that might set this off. Or I just tend to keep everything bottled up sometime and just explode at the wrong time. Who knows? I was just wondering if anyone else out there had ever experienced the same thing.

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