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Mother w/siezures2003

Tue, 02/08/2005 - 09:13
I'm a 24 year old hispanic female who just had a baby 4 months ago the day after I had my son who may I also say is my very last child I had a grand mall siezure I have 2 girls and now my son the thing is I can't seem to wake up at night to take care of my son my husband has woken up instead. What can I do to help wake me up!(moved to Women's Issues folder by staff)


RE: Mother w/siezures2003

Submitted by mexican_fire on Thu, 2004-06-17 - 18:39
That all depends on what kind of medication you take, how much you take (at one time), and how much of a sedating drug it is.I can tell you that I have only had epilepsy for 3 1/2 years, and I am 31 years old next month, and after they started putting me on Tegretol, the higher they went in dose, the more it made me sleep and harder too. Then 1 1/2 years ago, my epileptologist added Neurontin, and then Topamax to it, and for that time frame, NO ONE could wake me up at night, for anything. My mom would tell me that a tornado or hurricane could roll through my room at night, and I would never wake up.She still does tell me that, even a few years later, because I still sleep hard, but not like before.After a VEEG was done in March, they sent me home with just the Neurontin, and added Depakote to it a week later, and that drug is a mildly sedating drug.I also take a combination of other assorted RXs before bed, so, I am still being wiped out. However, I don't sleep past 9 am much anymore, but don't get up before 8, if I can help it.I used to go to bed at 10 pm, and wake up the next day between 10 and 11.Those particular drugs were eating away at my liver, caused a 40 pound weight gain, and some toxicity along with it. So that is why they took everything out from under me, except the Neurontin.Also, don't feel bad, it could just be that you are just exhausted from being a mom all day along with whatever else you do.Epilepsy can be taxing for alot of people, and will cause them to be alot more tired, alot faster. I know that I have to watch how much I do, or I will stress my body out, and that in turn can cause seizures.You need your sleep, so you don't deprive your body of that and cause your brain to misfire from that. lack of sleep, and no sleep triggers seizures, however, it is one of those triggers that is avoidable.Don't feel bad for your husband getting up to take care of your son, it is his son too. I am sure that he knows that you don't feel well, when you can't get yourself up to take care of him, and that is why he does it for you. He won't kill you for not being able to get up.Nancy

RE: Mother w/siezures2003

Submitted by annepooh on Mon, 2005-01-31 - 10:34
Hi I'm a mother of three children . I was diagnose with epilepsy around 8 years ago . I just stopped having seizure's So I stopped taking my med , this went on good having no seizure's for some time . Then I started having partal seizure's this past summer . I had a catscan done and was told it was normal & my doctor stopped it at that so I didn't keep taking my med's I don't like taking med's if I don't have to !Then Jan 20 . 05 I had a grand mal seizure here at home alone with my two small children , I came to tree hours later & seen my two babies coming in from the back yard in the snow with just diapers on !!!I started taking my med's again "Tegertal"But now i'm terrified to be home alone with them !!!I'm scared , my doctor isn't telling me much of anything !!I have an apt at the hospital this Wed for an EEG. I really hope they tell me something !

RE: RE: Mother w/siezures2003

Submitted by rhilets on Mon, 2005-02-07 - 04:29

I know how you feel - I was diagnosed 19 years ago, took 600 mgs of tegretol daily until last summer when I was pregnant with my second boy and I didn't want to risk the side-effects, but I had a grand mal while pregnant - my first episode for 7 years!  I immediately went on to 600 mgs again but now, with my 5 month old boy, I do worry I'll have an attack - mostly when I'm out with him - but as long as you have some sort of a warning you should be OK? I also have a 5 year old boy and I am trying to teach him what to do etc but he's still quite young and after witnessing my last one, he finds it quite traumatic to talk about it.  I have always had a simple partial attack prior to my GMs and I have time to lie down etc.. Hope your EEG was OK - I haven't had one for about 15 years - what do they do?!!  Do they flash lights in your eyes??  Frightening thought!


I know how you feel - I was diagnosed 19 years ago, took 600 mgs of tegretol daily until last summer when I was pregnant with my second boy and I didn't want to risk the side-effects, but I had a grand mal while pregnant - my first episode for 7 years!  I immediately went on to 600 mgs again but now, with my 5 month old boy, I do worry I'll have an attack - mostly when I'm out with him - but as long as you have some sort of a warning you should be OK? I also have a 5 year old boy and I am trying to teach him what to do etc but he's still quite young and after witnessing my last one, he finds it quite traumatic to talk about it.  I have always had a simple partial attack prior to my GMs and I have time to lie down etc.. Hope your EEG was OK - I haven't had one for about 15 years - what do they do?!!  Do they flash lights in your eyes??  Frightening thought!


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