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Need Neurologist in New York City

Tue, 01/16/2007 - 15:58
I just moved to the New York city area and I am looking for a new neurologist. I was diagnosed with JME 11 years ago and put on Depakote and now have been seizure free since my first Grand Mal. My husband and I are planning on having children in the next couple of years. It was recommended to me by my former neurologist that I start the process of switching to Lamictal (or another medication) that will be better suited for pregnancy. I'm looking for a neurologist I can count while I got through this process, someone who will be patient with me and someone that will be willing to coordinate and communicate with an OBGYN. Mostly I'm just looking for some names of doctor's that people have had good experiences with. I just had an appointment with a neurologist last week and he was hurried and curt with me, never a good sign with a new doctor. I don't plan on following through with him. I'm looking for someone either in Manhattan or in Northern New Jersey (Jersey City/Hoboken). I appreciate any help you can give me!


I keep getting sezuires looks

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 2015-01-10 - 18:04
I keep getting sezuires looks like there getting worst very embarsing I need some help my wife gets mad at me when I get them I don't know why 

Re: Need Neurologist in New York City

Submitted by solis on Tue, 2007-01-16 - 18:41
Hi, :) Go to, at the top of the page & 3rd in from the left you'll see find a physician. That's your best place to find an American physician who deals with epilepsy. Then, you can phone the ones near you and find of who among them is an epileptologist ie.. a neurologist that specifically focuses on epilepsy. Best wishes, ~sol

Re: Need Neurologist in New York City

Submitted by maraj on Sat, 2007-01-20 - 17:23
My doctor in New York was Jeffrey Cohen at Beth Israel. Here is a link to his info: I worked at Beth Israel when I lived in NYC. I liked Dr. Cohen's bedside manner and he was the first doc to actually diagnose my JME (previously, neuros had just called it a general "seizure disorder"). I think he sees patients at the Union Square office (East side of the square). Good luck! I just did the Depakote to Lamictal in preparation for TTC.

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