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New here!!!

Sun, 11/12/2006 - 16:53
Hey. I am new to this site, and to Epilepsy. I am 29... My first sz was back in June 06'. I had my daughter in May and when she was about 3 wks old I went to nap on the couch and when I woke up (confused and shaking) I was on the floor by the bathroom and my daughter was on the floor and my son (3.5 yrs old) was over me crying. I don't know what happened (no memory of getting up or picking up the baby) but I was able to call my husband and he came home and I thought I just passed out. Ok, fast forward to Oct. 15th and I was cooking in the kitchen. No biggie, feeling good and BAM! I wake up a DAY later on the Medical unit. My family is there telling me that I had 3 seizures (gran mal) and was in CCU unconscious for 24hrs.. scary! Thank God I wasn't driving and that my husband was home. Well I did a continuous EEG and they say its definately Epilepsy and I am on Keppra 625mg twice a day. Anyone else on that??? I think its hormone related, maybe from having the baby but the Dr says it could be... but not necessarily and in most cases you never know. My sister had sz for 7 yrs from a head trauma, I never thought I would have sz's... so here I am, maybe she would have had sz's without the head trauma. Who knows. But she is off meds for about 18 yrs now. She had a hard 7 yrs there. Well thats all from me, I will be going back to work in 2 wks. I am looking forward to getting to know you all....


Re: New here!!!

Submitted by kjd on Mon, 2006-11-13 - 10:12
I guess I get to be the first to welcome you karebear 412! You will find a lot of very nice people at this website and a wealth of information. I am female, have been on this site about 5 months. I was diagnosed with simple partial seizures last January. It has been very helpful to me to be able to talk to other people who are going thru the same things that I am. Hope it helps you as well. Keep us posted, wish you well in your continued health. Kelly

Re: Re: New here!!!

Submitted by Rufus36 on Tue, 2006-11-14 - 15:40
hiya, welcolme to this site karebear412! I'm 37 & female, & I've been coming on this site for about 3 months now.. I have also found a lot of really nice people on the site, not to mention masses of support, encouragement & useful information. I wish I'd come accross this site years ago, cos there is nothing better than talking thro problems with people who know just what you're going thro. I hope that you find this site really helps you too, & I look forward to getting to know you better. Good Luck & hope to chat to you soon :-) Ruth x

Re: Re: Re: New here!!!

Submitted by Karebear412 on Wed, 2006-11-15 - 22:00
Thanks for the warm welcome. I am so glad I found this site. I hope to get to know you both better and learn more as I go.

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