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New Member

Tue, 08/16/2005 - 00:48
My Name is Sharon and I am a new memberI am the founder of the Epilepsy Education Association of Arkansas. (strictly volunteer) I started having seizures from 6 to 18 and then they left and returned at the age of 26 during the birth of my second son. When I became pregant with my third child I was refused Medical treatment unless I had an abortion. I did not and my son is now 25 years old. You can get on or whatever and type in Sharon McMinn and it will let you know what I have been doing over the last few years. I have been to congress to speak on women's health and I strive everyday to make life better for those with epilepsy. The stigma just has to disappear. My youngest sons friend committed suicide when he started having seizures and that is when I quit my full time job and started this association. So that that would not happen again. We are not affliated with the national EFA. We are on our own and we have great doctors here in Arkansas. I would love to talk to any of you and to share things that have happened.Hope you all remember that it only takes one person to make a difference and that person could be you. The greatest thing that you can do is to help other people try to get through this and to share what you have been through. My husband is a pastor and I have heard him say so many times that God has a plan for everything and believe me, years ago when my license were taken away for three years, and I was threatened with sterilization and refused medical treatment because I was pregant, that was hard to believe. But now I know that God has already read my story, if fact he wrote to story and it is my obligation to write and listen to others and help them cope. Isn's that why we are here? To help others. Well this is long and I will sign off, but I hope to hear from some of you


RE: New Member

Submitted by grez-monkey on Tue, 2005-08-16 - 00:48

Welcome to the group Sharon,

I know that you posted your message here in the Women's Issues folder, but I wanted to reply and would like to chat with you with an instant messenger, or the chat box on here. My main email addy is [email protected] (use the MSN?Windows messenger through it) and also [email protected] mainly for the yahoo IM and requriement to join the yahoo groups for epilepsy community forums (one for example Epilepsy Approach which Lisa, aka angel_lts operates).

My plans are for wanting to speak up and speak out to people throughout my local area (Austin, Texas region), like the one and only support group directly in Austin, and more soon to sprout up in surrounding countie; Plus, also online support groups, like this community right here; by phone or IM's, just to volunteer my time to become helpful.

Hope to hear from you some how.

Bruce (link-guy) J

Welcome to the group Sharon,

I know that you posted your message here in the Women's Issues folder, but I wanted to reply and would like to chat with you with an instant messenger, or the chat box on here. My main email addy is [email protected] (use the MSN?Windows messenger through it) and also [email protected] mainly for the yahoo IM and requriement to join the yahoo groups for epilepsy community forums (one for example Epilepsy Approach which Lisa, aka angel_lts operates).

My plans are for wanting to speak up and speak out to people throughout my local area (Austin, Texas region), like the one and only support group directly in Austin, and more soon to sprout up in surrounding countie; Plus, also online support groups, like this community right here; by phone or IM's, just to volunteer my time to become helpful.

Hope to hear from you some how.

Bruce (link-guy) J

RE: New Member

Submitted by Kathryn on Thu, 2005-08-18 - 17:58
Hi I'm a new member too.  I've been looking for a forum to ask a question about birth control and since you have a foundation maybe you could answer this easily.  I'm on Neurontin and Lamictal and got the percription Necon 1/35 for birth control. I was seisure free a little over a year and then I had one when I started this med and I was having auras and symptons of a petimal seisure. I stopped taking them and I feel normal again, but I don't know what birth control I should take w/ these meds.  I've kinda discovered that doctors don't know enough about medicine on medicine reactions as much as they do with body interations with medicines. I was wondering if any of you might have found a pill that won't effect my other two drugs and yet still be affective at perventing pregnancy?

RE: New Member

Submitted by angel_lts on Sat, 2005-08-20 - 06:54

Hi SHaron, Congradulations on your foundation. Yes you truely only need one person to start something. I would like to check out your site.

Yes I always say, "EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON". and you may never know why it happened but it could help others.

I have a support group you might want to check out.



Hi SHaron, Congradulations on your foundation. Yes you truely only need one person to start something. I would like to check out your site.

Yes I always say, "EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON". and you may never know why it happened but it could help others.

I have a support group you might want to check out.



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