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New update on recent issues

Mon, 11/13/2006 - 21:55
Hi everyone sorry I haven't written in a while I have been trying to keep everyone in chat updated on what has been going on. But things in my life have been just a slight crazy. I was sent down to Boston to have a consultation with the epilepsy team at Mass General and they did a VEEG, a PET scan, a MRI and a psychological evaluation. Needless to say I had 11 seizures on them in one day and five on them the next day before they could get me back on my full dose of meds. So they have determined that my seizures are mainly in my left temporal lobe but are generalizing. Therefore I am having simple partial and complex partial seizures and some of them are generializing into full tonic clonic seizures. But according to my PET scan they think that they may be able to remove my left temporal lobe and help to reduce most of my seizure activity and help with my depression. Therefore I will be returning at some point to Boston for further testing for the possibility of surgery. So after returning home from that I went to see my gyn and scheduled my hysterectomy and had that done on November 7th. Everything went well during the surgery only had one minor seizure that lasted 20 seconds and then they started the ativian and I didn't have anymore after that. So I was in the hospital for a couple of days because they wanted to make sure that my horomones weren't going to effect my seizures to much. After my hour and a half ride home I was exhausted so I crashed and was pretty much in bed for a couple of days. Not doing anything. My youngest son had to play in the provincial finals for his football team. So I waddled my way out to the van and we rode to Moncton on Sunday. They played against an undefeated team and won 44-6. So they are now the Provincial Champions for 2006. Now Sunday we return to Moncton for the Maritimes Championship. Now that I have learned that I have LTE they are checking my oldest son for it. Because he follows the same pattern that I followed as a child with the febrile seizures and then depression and trouble in school and in crowds and multi tasking things. So he has an EEG tommorrow and an neuropsychevaluation scheduled the following day. To see if his behavior is depression and mood changes or if it is LTE and then how they are going to treat him. Then on top of all of this my mother-in-law had been life-flighted out to Eastern Maine Medical Center because they weren't sure she was going to make it. She had psuedomonosis in her lungs and in her blood. They ended up intubating her and putting her on a feeding tube. The only thing that kept her alive was that her heart was still beating. If her heart had stopped they would have let her go. But when she found out that I was coming home from Boston she got better and was moved from the CCU to a private bed near the nursing station. She slowly got better and eventually against the distressed of the Calais hospital they sent her down to this hospital. And now she is failing again and they will probably end up sending her back up to Bangor. But she won't be coming back home because we have it set up for her to go into assisted living because I am going to be unable to take care of her with everything else that I have going on. Well that is about everything I can think of at this point in time. I hope everyone else is doing well and I get a chance to catch up with you in the chat room. Take care


Re: New update on recent issues

Submitted by livingproof on Mon, 2006-11-13 - 22:19
I'm scared because I have to have a Spect Scan and an MRI to make my tumor in my brain isn't the cause of my headaches. The doctor thinks it has started to grow. My Epilepsy is due to the tumor

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