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newly epileptic and pregnent HELP

Sun, 12/11/2005 - 03:44
Hey everyone, I am a 20 year old female who 4 months ago had my first seizure, well 3 seizures in 24 hours. Before i had the seizure i had a "warning" or "aura" then i lay down to sleep and next thing i woke up a day later spewing at the hospital. It was creepy and amazing, all my life i had cronic migraines and before i had them i got a warning, but it stopped when i was in my early teens - now its turned into epilipsy. Its all very new to me and my family and we are only just getting used to it. Im on lamictal and tegretol morning and night and have had no seizures since. approx 7 weeks ago my partner and i found out we're pregnent, we are thrilled but at the same time so scared. The whole fact Im 20 doesn't bother me, our family is full of little ones and i know i would be a wonderful mother. But im so scared of having a seizure im reduced to tears at least once a day. A couple of weeks after i found out I started getting the start of these "warnings", i landed myself in hospital for the day but they werent really strong and there were no seizures. Ive been getting so tired which my doctors says "is one of the biggest ways to bring on a seizure." im terrified. everyday goes on and i feel my body changing and loving every second but im scared of having seizures as i know something serious could happen to bubby or myself. i cringe taking my meds knowing what it could be doing to her. Im stuck between a rock and a hard place, ive spoken to doctors, one says have it, the other says dont. I need real help and real stories. What do i do to lower the risks of seizures? whats the chance of having a baby with a sickness or being abnormal? what do i do if i get a warning? ... i need anyones help, anyones opinion, im really stuck and the longer i wait the bigger she grows. Please help, Thank you for listening!!! xoxoxo


Re: newly epileptic and pregnent HELP

Submitted by cmuotka on Tue, 2005-12-13 - 13:36
Hi, I have seizures and had them since I was 6 months old, and had the same concerns as you did. My son was born and was healthy and is now 21 years old. Thinking back to that time when I was pregnant, I, myself, had fewer seizures. Somebody said it's because you have more progesterone in your body. I think I was also on a prenatal vitamin if I remember correctly. I had seizures afterwards, but my diet wasn't as good, and I quit taking vitamins, which in my opinion might had played a role in it. I know my seizures are triggered by stress also. I tend to be a worrier and that seems to trigger them for me. I have other trigger also like colors. But stress is a big one for me. Usually when I had the warning or aura, I try to sit down if I have enough time. My son was used to seeing me with them, so he knew what to expect during one. I was worried about being pregnant because of what the doctor thought about it, but of the friends of mine who were pregnant at that time, I was the only one with a normal pregnancy. Hopefully, that encourages you some that they might go the other way during the pregnany and improve. take care!

Re: newly epileptic and pregnent HELP

Submitted by Bounty on Thu, 2005-12-22 - 09:25
Hi Loz, I know everything about having been diagnosed with epilepsy when pregnant IS VERY SCAREY. I am in the same position. I am 26 weeks pregnant and suddenly started having 4-5 seizures a day when I got to 14 weeks pregnant. I was taken into hospital and epilepsy was diagnosed. I had been having seizures for about 2 years but only every couple of months, and had suffered absences for about 6 years prior to that. My doctor claimed it was stress but now I know better. I am still awaiting an EEG but as my neuro consultant actually witnessed these seizures happening when I was in hospital, he's certain about the diagnosis. My main problem though is that he won't start me on any medication whilst pregnant (over cautious my GP says!) so I'm still having seizures 4 or 5 times a day. The important thing in all this though is that my baby is doing fine. She's developing normally, kicks heartily and the obstetrician has said the chances of her having any problems are extremely low. Please take heart from this. Speak with your neuro AND obstetrician and please voice your concerns to them. I'm sure they will be able to reassure you and I wish you well with your pregnancy.

Re: newly epileptic and pregnent HELP

Submitted by Shaross on Thu, 2006-01-05 - 18:58
Hey relax! you re having a baby!I had a child while on tegretol and she is perfectly fine.stress is not good for you or the baby.just take it one day at a time.I am also pregnant with my fourth child and still on tegretol.the best thing I can do for my baby is take my meds,plenty of folic acid and pray.

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