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Pregnancy makes me cramp more and more frequently

Sun, 11/26/2006 - 07:44
I was diagnosed with Epilepsy for more than 15 years, and I take Tegretol(Carbamazepine) and Sodium valproate from 1997 till now. The disease has been controlled partially. I still have seizures once one or two months. When I have seizures, my left leg cramps for several seconds, but I never lose my consciousness. Three months ago, I was pregnant. In the first two months, it is normal as past. But in the recent 3 weeks, my seizures become more and more frequent.. Now every day and night, I have seizures every hour, I just can’t sleep. And I can feel obviously the condition is becoming worse and worse. My doses of bill are already very high, my doctors don’t suggest me to add doses because it will harm my unborn baby. I am scared because no one can help me, How can I do?


Re: Pregnancy makes me cramp more and more frequently

Submitted by latin mom on Sun, 2006-11-26 - 20:49
Congratulations on your baby! Is this your first one? All pregnancies are different. I can tell from experience. My first pregnancy was very good for the first six months. I rearly had a sz. On that month I had a brain inflammation. That coused very bad uncontrolled sz. I was in the hospital two times. Some doctors thought I had a brain tumor, others wanted me to have a brain surgery. As it turn out, I gave birth to a healthy boy on my 38 week, then had an MRI and the inflammation was gone. Everyone was happy. Two months ago I gave birth to my second son. Ths pregnancy was 100% different. All good, very few sz in all nine months. I hope u feel better and have a healthy baby.

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