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Pregnant and On Dilatin please read all

Fri, 11/03/2006 - 22:24
Ok well i dont know if you all remember me but this is kinda my story, when i became prego with my now 2 1/2 year old daughter i started having seizures and was told i have epilepsy. Well this past june i had 3 bad seizures in a row, i have gran mal seizures, well they did a cat scan and found what they thought was a cyst and well sent me to a nerologist who told me it was tumor who sent me to a nerosurgen, so july 27th i had surgery to have this tumor removed and i was told that because were this was located that there was a 75 percent chance that there would be no more seizures and that eventually they would bring me down of my meds. Well i decided to stop my meds my self. I been off my meds for 2 months and this last monday my daughter took a pic of me with a flash and i thought that it triggered something because it caused a seizure well i get a aura first so we called 911 and they got there and i got down into the ambulance and thats were i had my seizure and next thing i know i am waking up in the icu at the hospital to doctors asking me if i knew i was pregnant and no i didnt know but i am happy and excited but of course scared and nervouse and have a feeling that because the change it causes in my body that this is what triggered the seizure i dont know though but i thought that dilatin was the worst anti seizure med to be on when you are pregnant ? some one help me out please Fawn


Re: Pregnant and On Dilatin please read all

Submitted by ladybug on Sun, 2006-11-05 - 16:13
Hi Fawn, I understand your fears. Being on meds and pregnant at the same time scared me a lot. Let me put your nerves at ease a little. :) I was on Dilantin and Phenobarbital with all 3 of my pregnancies. All 3 kids are very healthy, smart, active kids. With no sign of the meds affecting them. Be sure to take folic acid, if you're not already on it. Take care, Keri "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "Plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

Re: Re: Pregnant and On Dilatin please read all

Submitted by Sbargher on Sun, 2006-11-12 - 11:55
How are you doing Fawn? I just wanted to let you know that I was on Dilantin. As soon as I found out I was pregnant my doctor (which happened to be just my family doctor at the time) took me completely off the Dilantin the duration of my pregnancy (at that time I was only having peti mal seizures w/an aura). He told me the Dilantin would do more harm then a seizure would. And you know what? I never had a one seizure. I think hormones may have had something to do with it because as soon as I went back on the Dilantin I started having seizures. Your situation is a lot different than mine though. Anyway, I had two beautiful children with no signs of any problems due to my condition. I hope everything works out okay for you and try not to worry. Sue

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