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Regarding my post on Topamax

Thu, 09/21/2006 - 06:15
Hi everybody :-) Thank you all for giving me your input regarding Topamax. It was very helpful. I have just gotten my one month supply of 25 mg Topamax today. I don't know how that's going to work for me considering that I'm used to taking meds that are 200mg each. First my doctor tells me to take 2 pills a day and then he e-mails me and tells me to take 1 pill a day instead. Guess he's trying to slowly get me into the pill before he decides to upgrade it to a higher dose. In the replies on the old post, I heard mentioned about "outbursts" from a drug....I think it was Keppra. You know, I've never taken keppra, but I feel that Carbamezapine has given me the side effects of sudden outbursts...anger and such...and not to mention highly emotional. Has anyone else experienced that on the drug they're taking? I thought it was only me that experiences that side effect. Today I was highly emotional that I went home for lunch instead of eating at the canteen at work. I'm upset with my boss and not to mention my co-worker. I feel like I'm being taken advantage of at work. I mean I don't even make as much money as they do, yet I'm being piled all this work to do. It's like I'm almost working for free. It's ridiculous. I tell you in the states this wouldn't be happening, but since I'm in the Philippines anything goes. It's so corrupt down here. And since when do employees get charged money for forgetting to send a child's book home at the end of class? I couldn't believe it until it happened to me. I never heard such a crazy thing in my life. I told my co-worker that it's illegal in the states for something like that to happen. With all the emotional stress that my job is causing me I'm afraid that I'll be having another seizure soon. I wish I could quit this job, but it's the closest job to my house. It's cheaper for me transportation wise.


Re: Regarding my post on Topamax

Submitted by whistling on Thu, 2006-09-21 - 09:18
Hang in there, I had the same reaction to topamax that you are having! But I assure you, after you take it a little while, it gets better, but I was a real bear to live with for awhile! I take 4 meds total, just dropped the keppra for lyrica, but never reacted like I did to the topamax, but it gives you a wild ride for a while, and I take 100 MG AM and PM. I know it's hard when your epilepsy makes life worse than it already is, but YOUR NOT ALONE!!! Stay in contact with friends, and get away from negative people as much as possible! Good luck:)

Re: Regarding my post on Topamax

Submitted by honeybear on Thu, 2006-09-21 - 09:41
Hi I found that as my dose increased on topamax I did become more tearful. When I stayed on 175mg of topamax the slightest thing made me upset, but last week I increased my dose to 200mg and I have found that I do not feel as tearful as I did which is GREAT. It does take a bit of time but it should pass. Good luck with the topamax I have found it a good drug for seizure control. I am on it along with Lamictal. take care xxx

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