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Secret Womans Business

Mon, 10/16/2006 - 03:14
Hi Girls, I suspect I have had TLE for about 7 years, since I was 17 / 18. In most cases, my friends have fallen pregnant at some stage (even while on the pill) during this time. I have been with my boyfriend for almost 4 years now, not on the pill, not on meds yet for E, and I have never fallen pregnant (not that we are trying). For the last 6 months I have been slightly worried about this, and now since I have been given a informal diagnosis last week - I have read that girls with E may have problems in falling pregnant. Does anyone have any info on this? I have googled, but haven't found much. Just a few details here and there. Thanks!


Re: Secret Womans Business

Submitted by maraj on Mon, 2006-10-16 - 09:58
Hi: Well, first, I would encourage you to visit an epileptologist to get a diagnosis and medication (if needed), if you have not been to one. Anyway, yes, there is some evidence that women with epilepsy have lower fertility rates. Here's a good article about women and epilepsy: It appears that women who have been on Depakote are more likely to suffer from PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), which can cause infertility. This is my situation and I am currently switching from Depakote to Lamictal. I would recommend not taking Depakote if you want to get pregnant in the near future because it also can cause birth defects. But, Please talk to your doctor about your concerns!

Re: Re: Secret Womans Business

Submitted by Bedge on Mon, 2006-10-16 - 10:13
Thanks for that! So is it the meds that can causes the problems? Or the Epilespy its self? Ta.

Re: Re: Re: Secret Womans Business

Submitted by maraj on Mon, 2006-10-16 - 17:30
My doctor told me that they are not yet sure. Although he also said that in women who take Depakote for other reasons (it's also used for certain mental illnesses), the rate of PCOS is lower. So, it may be a combination of Depakote and epilepsy that makes the rate higher for us.

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