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seizures once a month right before my period

Mon, 01/22/2007 - 13:14
For about 15yrs I have been having grandmal seizures and auras strange feelings I didnt understand mostly happining around my period,They started after a very stressful pregnancy didnt realize what was happing for about a year.Much better now that I changed medication but still have headaches,tired,mood swings aweek before my period and on my period that seem more painful then they did before this all started. Does anyone else have grandmal seizures right before they start thier period,had one once a month for many years until got on Keppra 3/06.


Re: seizures once a month right before my period

Submitted by tjlmom on Mon, 2008-08-25 - 07:02
I had my first seizure many years ago, right before Igot my period for the first time.  My seizures were controlled for a long time until about 5 years ago.  I started to go to a female dr. who believed that there was a connection between epilepsy and menstruation.  Along with everything else I take a very small dose of clonazapam during my period only.  I have been seizure free for one year.  Good luck.

Re: seizures once a month right before my period

Submitted by uberzwitter on Sat, 2008-06-21 - 11:08
I get all my sz's around my period. Kinda helpful because I know to be on the look out during that time but also not because my cycle can be very erratic. It came out of nowhere though...well, not really. Came at 19 when I stopped taking Depo Provera. Hmmm....

Have you had any success with

Submitted by [email protected] on Sun, 2015-08-09 - 23:57
Have you had any success with your daughters seizures - I have the same problem - I am 40 type 1 diabetic and epileptic - always have seizure middle of night 1 week before period - blood drops grand mal seizure and am on tegretol - been going on for years - even had the seizures once a month while pregnsnt - so sick of this - need help as doctor just tells me to up my dose week before period which doesn't help!!!!

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