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South Beach Diet & Seizures & Medications?

Mon, 12/18/2006 - 20:55
Anyone try that South Beach diet? Does it work? Did you find you had more or less seizures? I'm on Keppra, Topomax and Clobazam. Right now with not working, my family seems to think I should get on a nutrition kick & try south beach. Meanwhile I want Rachel Ray's new cookbook. Any one know if South Beach works so maybe I can at least humor my mom & grandmother, try it & see what I think then go back to what I want. Any thought? Thanks Erin


Re: South Beach Diet & Seizures & Medications?

Submitted by coopernicus on Fri, 2006-12-29 - 02:24
Hi Erin, I tried the South Beach diet and it was great! I felt better than ever. Clear, focused, and awake. I also lost 13 pounds with ease. I found it hard to maintain, though, since I am a sugar and carb fiend. I am toying with the idea of going back on it to see if I have fewer strange feelings and/or auras. I am also thinking the more simple carbs I eat the worse I feel. I am pretty allergic to wheat so it makes sense that I feel better on the diet. I am also wondering if we crave what we are allergic to and shy away from what we need....Just a thought. I understand what you mean about humoring the overzealous. my daughter wants me to go on weight watchers because it is working for her. I prefer the south beach because I was never hungry and hate to get the jitters if I am hungry. When I feel off balance, a fatty, protein based snack (like cheese) works wonders. Good luck. Try it for yourself, not them :)

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