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Visit GYN?

Sat, 01/20/2007 - 01:07
Hi all. I have a question I'd like some feedback on. Almost all of my seizures happen around the time of my period.I have mentioned this to my neurologist several times. While he acknowledges the connection between female hormones and seizures, he does not want to pursue checking my hormones and treating any imbalance that may contribute to my seizures. After a recent increase in my medication, I am now at 1200mg of Trieptal. All of my seizures seem to be complex partials. After reading the numorous postings here regarding female hormones, I am considering making an appointment with a gynocologist to see if he would consider checking my hormones and prescribing progesterone if my levels were low. I am not sure if a gynocologist would be willing to treat what is really a neurological problem. I am also concerned about the increased risk of certain reproductive cancers if I were to take the progesterone. There have been some reproductive and breast cancers in my family. I am just getting frustrated with having the seizures. The one I had a month ago was just about the one that broke the camel's back. It happened while cooking and I poured a pot of boiling water on myself. I had to be hospitalized for 4 days. My burns are still recovering. Sure enough, the seizure happend 5 days before my period. I would appreciate any feedback any of you could offer. Thank you. TLH


Re: Visit GYN?

Submitted by mar on Sat, 2007-01-20 - 02:29
Hi, I'm am not sure why doctors are so narrow as to not exhaust all possibilities. It is a little early to tell yet what this will mean for us, but I treat with a keneciologist which is beyond chiropractic they also go into finding the why in mind/body function and how it may relate to illness or pains. I have treated with him for my back over the yrs. We have scheduled my daughter to test her for reactions to many things, like an allergy test but it is done by putting the elements directly on the tongue, also we are going to due hormone testing which will measure her levels in a 24 hr period. In her case she has complex partials after she falls asleep. Other then some spikes on the eeg, no other reason found for them, but she is going through pueberty and hormone changes. He feels strongly, that imbalance can be a direct cause of the brain activity so we will start working on that next week. Check out Physiology of the Pineal Gland pronouced (pie neal) its physiology provides insight not just into one small part of the brain, but into its integration with the entire nervous system. Maybe that opens other options for help you never thought of. Mar

Re: Visit GYN?

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 2007-01-20 - 08:20
Many people report that seizures may be associated with times of hormonal fluctuations in life and/or around menses. There is actually quite a bit known about the seizures/hormone connections, however, treating it doesn't always work. In some women, hormonal imbalances that can be treated with meds can be found, and giving hormones may help correct the imbalance and help seizures. In other women, no clear hormonal disturbance is seen that will respond to hormonal therapy. Good news is that large scale studies are still going on to look at this issue in more depth

If hormonal links are suspected, a thorough evaluation with someone who understands seizures and hormones is needed. Testing hormones needs to be done at certain times of the month. AED levels can also be checked to see if these are changing. A gyn evaluation is usually recommended to see if there are any gynecological problems that could be affecting the seizures. Treatment options do need to be discussed carefully - looking at benefits and risks, and keeping in mind that some hormones can help seizures in the right amounts, but others aggravate seizures.

The professional side of this website has a thorough section on women's issues that is interesting. Take a look!

There are neurologists who specialize in epilepsy (called epileptologists) who specialize in women's issues or hormonal aspects. Take a look at the Find a Doctor feature of the site to see doctors who are members of the American Epilepsy Society.

Hope this helps offer food for thought! Take a look at the women's section of the main site as well. Resource Specialist

If hormonal links are suspected, a thorough evaluation with someone who understands seizures and hormones is needed. Testing hormones needs to be done at certain times of the month. AED levels can also be checked to see if these are changing. A gyn evaluation is usually recommended to see if there are any gynecological problems that could be affecting the seizures. Treatment options do need to be discussed carefully - looking at benefits and risks, and keeping in mind that some hormones can help seizures in the right amounts, but others aggravate seizures.

The professional side of this website has a thorough section on women's issues that is interesting. Take a look!

There are neurologists who specialize in epilepsy (called epileptologists) who specialize in women's issues or hormonal aspects. Take a look at the Find a Doctor feature of the site to see doctors who are members of the American Epilepsy Society.

Hope this helps offer food for thought! Take a look at the women's section of the main site as well. Resource Specialist

Re: Visit GYN?

Submitted by angel_lts on Sat, 2007-01-20 - 08:42
It is very possible it is hormonal issues. But I see you take trileptal. I want you to be aware that it can cause Hyponatremia (low sodium) for some people. And you even said that there was an increase of meds and still you had a seizure. If that is what the problem is, the increase will make the low sodium worse. What I used to do was, each time you have a seizure to have a script to go get blood work if it is the day or the next just to see if it is the low sodium. Also are you having auras in advance? And if it is hormone related check into bio-identical/compound pharmacist. A natural progesterone cream micronized. Lisa

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